Thursday, September 26, 2013

Joyous Expectations

Thanks for the reminder of "joyful expectations", as I was brought up with "expect the worst, and be grateful when it is not that bad." That one never worked for me, and I even now have to be careful of my "expectations." We must step into the vibration and feeling tone of “It is done.” We must see it with the mind’s eye, feel it with the senses, and joyfully expect it to be more than we’ve imagined.
We have the key that opens the door to the phrase and experience of “Wow! It was so much more than I ever dreamed it could be!”

How do we receive more wow experiences? It all is centered on what we expect to be possible! We can imagine, dream, and visualize all day long, and if we don’t couple that with joyful expectancy, it is just a cool exercise in stretching the imagination. We must step int...
o the vibration and feeling tone of “It is done.” We must see it with the mind’s eye, feel it with the senses, and joyfully expect it to be more than we’ve imagined.

Everything is created twice. The first creation is in the mind, and the second is in physical form. Since this is how it works, we might as well go all out in the first creation and enjoy the pleasures of the second in physical expression.

From the Daily Guides by Rev. Sunshine Daye, SOM Sep 2013.
Mary Jones This coincides nicely with Einstein's "to make it a reality, attain the same vibration"...(always paraphrasing)

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