Thursday, September 26, 2013

Blaming others and outer conditions, just who is doing the driving?



 Healing  Music  Meditation
 Someone told me once that it takes seven miles for a battle ship to come to a complete stop. Seven miles? A battle ship has a lot of momentum going, and it cannot simply stop and change direction on a dime. This was, of course, in relation to my life. I had a lot of momentum going, and I had been going in my direction for a good while. Now that I wanted to change, I wanted to change immediately. Not only did I want to be going in a different direction, I wanted it to be as if I had been going in this different direction all along! You and I both know that this isn't realistic. There is a process, a procedure to follow. You can bring the battle ship to a halt, you can direct it in any direction you would like, but this takes a little time. It takes a little focus, it takes consistency, it takes determination, and it takes a little faith. More than anything though, it takes a clear plan.

Take stock of your life today! What do you not like? What isn't going right for you? Where are your "issues"? What are the things you like? Are there people who are important to you that you want to spend more time with? You see, you have to know what direction you want to go in, and exactly what this means. You have to know exactly what you want in your life, in order to get it. Trust me, once you know what you want, once you know a direction that you want to go in, nothing can stop you but yourself.

I had to own my life and take responsibility for everything. I was the battle ship, not you. This was my life and I was so busy blaming other people and outer conditions, that I forgot it was mine. I forgot that I was driving. So I had to get up and take the wheel. I had to assess my situation, decide what was good in my life, and what had to go. I had to decide how I wanted my life to be, what direction I would need to take in order for that to happen, and then get rid of the things and people that were holding me back. I had to chart a course and then begin the process. Now, I find myself working as a life coach, and this is exactly what I help people to do. I had to have help myself, because... I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I was the one that got myself into the situation that I didn't want to be in. My way didn't work for me. I reached a point to where I got willing to ask for help, to ask for someone else's ideas, and then things started to get a lot better, and a lot easier. I began to change. If I had known, then everything would have been good, right? As soon as I said "I don't know!" and "I clearly don't have a handle on this" and asked for help, I got help.
So if you are a battleship and you are going in a direction that you do not want to be going in, if you need some help assessing your situation and charting a better course for yourself, give me a shout! or 912-495-8520
I just put in a call to Kyle, I think he is from Savannah area and performed at Charleston Unity and is scheduled to perform and give workshop at Myrtle Beach Oct. 6.  I like his messages and music! Here is another message from him:
CD Release Party a HUGE SUCCESS! We had a great turnout at Unity of Savannah for the release of "We Are All One Human Family". I have honestly never felt so loved, and it was my best night ever! People drove from all over to attend, and one of my new friends even drove all the way from North Carolina! The band played great, we all had fun, and it was a success!
It was a great honor to not only be the guest musician, but to give the message during service this weekend too! You have a "God part". See it, be it, live it! This is your purpose!.

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