Sunday, June 30, 2013

Why live in duality when there is only Love?

Why do we live in a concept of good and bad, of positive and negative, Ying and Yang? There is only love/energy which has been created in abundance which will never end or not be available. There is only love, and the absence of it
Alain Dirk Maitre Where is the proof that there was and is only love ?
There is construction (love) and destruction (hatred) . I go for love.

  • Michiko Takatsu Concept of Duality exist in 3D ~ ♫ where most people still live in ~ out of there, then you find what you are talking about
  • Alain Dirk Maitre Michiko are you constant living in non-duality ?

     Look more at documentaries on national geographic channel tv . Wake up . love.
     What we can do is minimalize the bad thoughts and maximalize the good thoughts. Training.

    KimMarie Patey The duality of life is important for us to find the neutral balance. So that when something bad happens we know that it is only temporary and we can look forward to balance again.

  • KimMarie Patey awww. I get you message now. if one is able to experience beyond the 3rd dimesnsion then yes, only love, joy and peace exixt. I had a near death experience and was able to observe the body and be in the presence of spirit. Even though my body suffered multiple head traumas and broken bones all I felt was love. Since I was a young girl i have had many OBE's and only experienced love even when witnessing traumatic events.
  • Ron Alexander It is our incessant thoughts that takes us away from Love. Meditators who have learned to let their thoughts go (not resisting them), and reached emptiness know the timeless bliss of beyond thoughts.
    Also, people who have had near death experiences know this Love like KimMarie above!
  • Lee Ann Angelicstargirl Medina Still enmeshed in duality and its polar opposites. Yet, there is a way out, they just need to see the door that is opened just a crack. And head towards it.
  • Alain Dirk Maitre Keep it simple, also with words. Be sure you understand yourself if you make it difficult with too many difficult words in combination... Yes, focus on Love.

    Alain Dirk Maitre I had a near dead experience also, but that does not mean that the cosmos is non-dual.

    We all have dual and non-dual thoughts, ALL of us. Nobody is perfectly in love all the time. But, we can maximalize our good lovely thoughts, by training.
    Yoga, zen , reiki can be helpful in training ...

    Ron Alexander Meditating is best "training" for me Alain, and in my near death experience is the timeless blissful Oneness that I sometimes experience in deep meditation beyond all thought! Descartes was wrong, it is not "I think therefore I am", rather it is I Am therefore I think! Yoga, I enjoy and it is preparing the body for meditation.

    Alain Dirk Maitre Ron, go ahead, if that helps for you, okay.

    Ron Alexander Well, just what I needed your permission Alain, lol! Knowledge comes from the outside, wisdom comes from within.

  • Alain Dirk Maitre You do not need my permission, hahaha...
  • Ron Alexander This is a fun helpful dialogue, thanks Alan Brunton, KimMarie, Alain, et al

     Oh, I would like to add that in my meditation, prayer is always included - May All Beings Be Happy!

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