Sunday, June 30, 2013

I AM therefore I think

What do you think?

Do you think that you are not good enough?
Do you think someone else is to blame?

Do you think it is the devil's fault?
Do you think it is the ego's fault?

Could it be ''stinking thinking''?

What if you could not think?

What do you think?
(Ron Alexander
Valerie Stiehl I think i will not think and meditate instead.....
  • Gisele Fahrbach In Italian : la mente mente= the mind lies!! And 98% of thoughts and emotions are not ours!!! So say "who does this belong to?" and it will go away!!! Or let the thoughts pass by like clouds without judging!! Ease joy and glory!!! 💰
  • Ron Alexander YES and gratitude to Valerie Stiehl and Gisele Fahrbach - I have healed headaches by meditating - letting go of thoughts - allowing them to float away like clouds in the sky of the mind. Descartes was wrong - ''I think therefore I am.'' How about I feel therefore I am?

  • Roslyn Savage I am, therefore i think .
  • Wayne Waller Thinking, by nature la divisive --- the heart is naturally intuitive as Oneness


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