Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To Love So Deeply

Photo: To love so deeply that no matter what shows up has no effect on you.  To see everything that comes your way as a gift being given to you as an expression of Love.  To know every moment is an opportunity to experience the Divine Love that dwells within you.  To know every hurt, sorrow, regret or whatever emotion you have tied to an experience is nothing more than just a thought you no longer have to carry.  To experience the Pulse of Life with all that comes your way in every footstep within your journey. To experience God’s Love always expressing through you in your every moment.

To love so deeply that no matter what shows up has no effect on you. To see everything that comes your way as a gift being given to you as an expression of Love. To know every moment is an opportunity to experience the Divine Love that dwells within you. To know every hurt, sorrow, regret or whatever emotion you have tied to an experience is nothing more than just a thought you no longer have to carry. To experience the Pulse of Life with all that comes your way in every footstep within your journey. To experience God’s Love always expressing through you in your every moment.

Ron Alexander Like:To love so deeply that no matter what shows up has no effect on you
  • Ra Divakar LikeLTo see everything that comes your way as a gift being given to you as an expression of Love.
  • Ra Divakar Like_ and every other sentence up there - To know every moment is an opportunity to experience the Divine Love that dwells within you.

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