Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Meditation questions and answers

Kelly Corsino · Positive Music Artist at Kelly Corsino
Maybe some of y'all can relate: I find myself struggling with judgement around the fact that my mind wanders so much while I'm trying to meditate. It is frustrating, but I know that my technique will improve as I move along in my 21 day challenge and that it is my inner critique who believes in S. H. A. M. E. (should have already mastered everything ) that is trying to run the show. I also know from past meditation experience, that my ego is fearing for its life, so it is trying to keep me distracted with thoughts in order to preserve its identity. I am committed to staying with this practice as I have found myself feeling very unsupported (by me) with regard to a consistent Spiritual practice in recent months, and I know this one is THE most valuable of them all; especially with my monkey mind ;-).
  • Just let the thoughts be...in the background. Your ego is your friend. Let it be your earth guide as Gary Zukav calls it. Without it we would crash our cars, lose our jobs. As long as we are in our body, we need our ego. When we are ready to leave our body, then the ego will go. Be grateful and just watch your thoughts and let them go. Remind yourself that this too shall pass. Concentrate on mantra and breath and let everything else - thoughts, pain, senses, just be background - return to your mantra and breath. Meditation is the art of returning. Peace Aum Shanti, Shalom, peace!
  • Deepak Chopra asked us: Are you having any problems with meditation?
  • "When will I stop having so many distracting thoughts while meditating?"
    Thoughts will inevitably drift in and dance around your mind, but that's normal. Don't try to do anything with them—let them be. If you find yourself thinking about what's passing through your mind, just return to focusing your awareness on the mantra or your breath. And with continued practice, you will slip into the space between thoughts.

  • What We Resist We Persist - on Meditation

    LET THE TV'S STAY ON! This too shall pass...excellent adviee by Rev. Ed Kosac of Charleston Unity (This is some of the most practical advice I've seen in a while regarding this issue. Fighting with the thoughts and telling them go away just creates more noise - and it definitely does take practice. Nate Willams)

    What we resist, persists. People often ask me: "When I meditate Ed, the thoughts in my head are like a constant battle. It's like I have 9 tv's on in my head. They're incessant. How am I supposed to stop them?" I say DON'T!!! Let the tv's keep going, don't try to turn them off. Put them in the background of your mind, leave them on like white noise, and focus on the breath. It's ok to do this. Our minds were meant to be active and thinking all the time. Eventually the mind will slow down and we can get to a place of "emptiness" but that's only after a loooong time of meditating, perhaps years. Don't be so hard on yourself.
    Another thing to consider is that sometimes our minds race because we have stressors that are pervasive. Consider slowing your life down if you can.
    But don't analyze too much! If you're not aware of what the stressor or issue is, forget it for now and just focus on the breath. And let the tv's stay turned on for now. Things will work out in their own time and the mind will slow down as well.

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