Monday, March 25, 2013

I revel in all That I Am

Every birth is an affirmation of the Cosmic Love Will and Creativity that gives rise to humanity. Every birth is a beautiful mirror through which the Divine views its infinite potential. Thus is every birth special- a tribute indeed to the unique and extra ordinary contribution that only each individuation can make towards the fulfillment of the larger Whole..
Divyaa Kummar And unknown to you, it is not only ‘you’ who celebrates but spirit as a whole that revels in every opportunity of being! And this is what courses through you, on your day of birth, in the face of all rational, which might try and suggest or convince you otherwise. It is why you feel instinctively within you a celebration, even if you know not why. So rejoice in Self ... it need not be a big bang every time- you may celebrate in stillness and quietude, allowing it to ripple forth in honor of the portal that allows ‘All That Is’ to infinitely and infinitesimally ‘BE’
ONENESS is beautiful but most confuse oneness with sameness & the obvious gets i...gnored- that while we are all one we need not be the same! Indeed each ‘difference’… is but a unique aspect within what we call Oneness… and true oneness is experienced when we can accept these ‘differences’ as vital aspects of our oneness – rather than trying to change all that is different from us … into the right ‘one’!

Oneness is not rendering variation null and void, but in being ‘at-one-ment’ with all that is. Oneness is not only in converting everybody to the same one ‘God’ or Consciousness - because that abstraction is the easy way out - a convenience so that we do not need to be one with the many nuances that make up day to day life and its people. It is far easier to be ‘one’ with all, when
we paint them with the same golden hue, shorn of the multiplicity that truly makes them up! It is far easier to be one with a golden hue, than be one with the real differences that make up the people in your life and world

In this experience of oneness we paradoxically touch a dynamic multiplicity we cannot even conjure - indeed in oneness our journey does not end but begins an eternal and dazzling embrace with diversity! Each facet a display of affection! And variety an open declaration of love for all that is! A love song so beautiful …made up of the various notes within.
One picture expresses a thousand words!

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