Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 15 - Living Well (My little changes amount to big benefits.)

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the
whole staircase, just take the first step."
—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Change with small steps. My little changes amount to big benefits." Deepak
Welcome to Day 15—Living Well      We commend you on your ongoing commitment to care for your body, mind, and spirit.
In order to begin integrating all that we're learning into our daily lives, it's important to create a healthy lifestyle matrix to support our goals. Examining all aspects of our lives—choosing our meals, the amount of time we have to exercise, or unhealthy habits that we long to change—will help us make those transformations, both small and large, that lead us to perfect health.
Our centering thought for today is:
My little changes amount to big benefits.
We are excited for our time together.

Take some time to analyze your current lifestyle. Ask yourself what changes you can make that can support your healthy goals. Then, one by one, begin to make those important changes to create a positive matrix to support your wellbeing.
Have faith in this one thing and it will be sufficient:  God wills you be in Heaven (his Kingdom on Earth- my add), and nothing can keep you from it, or it from you. ACIM

Today's Centering Thought:
My little changes amount to big benefits.
Our Sanskrit mantra:
Ram, Ram, Ram
  Everything I desire is within me.

Deepak/Oprah~ Much gratitude for your simplification of the matrix! Breathing, drinking, eating, exercising, and thinking resonate with how we feel internally. The understanding that we live not at an address but within the temple of our inner creation allows us to be vigilant choice makers; thus fulfilling universal harmony being in itself health and abundance. Let's ask ourselves personally, " Where does the blueprint of my matrix come from? "... intuition or public influence? Choose wisely, you deserve all that is purposely the reason why you are alive. Love. JRGG

Helen Brown
Today's Mantra is the perfect one to continue with "Ram, Ram, Ram" Everything I desire is within me. I will use this one forever!

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