Monday, December 24, 2012

The Most Beautiful Gift - Merry Christmas

Photo: Please share....and help plant more seeds.

“The most beautiful gift that you can ever give to life is your heart; your heart is your truth, your strength and your love.

There is only one you and you must make the very best out of life for yourself always. You are strong never weak, you do not need crutches to help you walk the paths of life,

you have your own two feet and you can stand tall and proud and walk on them moving forward in life. There is no such action as failure; it is nonsense to think negative and do not ever feel sorry for you.

You have many gifts to give to life and you can find your gifts when you open up your eyes and see the beauty of life with your heart.” ~♥~ Lee Held (kudos to Jeanne)

Jeanne P. said...
Beauty you are. Beauty always. Love and Light!