Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Reminder

You Have Eternal Life

Yoga of Positive Thought in Practice

I thought a nice Christmasy kind of message from the Twelve would be good this week, and then I remembered, this was Yeshua's message to us - that you have eternal life. In those days long before newspapers or internet, a man and his word were considered to be one and the same. News traveled neighbor by neighbor, house to house. If you allowed a man into your house you were accepting his word, and if you didn't want what he had to offer you sent him away. That is why Yeshua said "those who accept me will have eternal life"... if you let him in you believed his message -- if you turned him away you turned his message away. Even now, if you don't believe you have eternal, nonphysical life, you will act accordingly and never realize you have it. That's like inheriting a million dollars, but never opening the letter that tells you about it.

Nowadays we have learned to separate the message from the messenger to a great degree, but if you get the message, why would you want to? It has been so totally cool to discover that Yeshua was one of the very first teachers of conscious creating. H
appy Birthday, Yeshua ben Joseph!

- Larry

December 23, 2012

Tell us about karma in relation to what we have created in this life and previous lives.

In order to understand that which you call karma you must first understand that on a vibrational level all of it exists now; past, present, and future. From your nonphysical perspective there is no place or time you have not been. You have chosen the vibrational essence of your life experiences from a great pool of vibrational possibility, that you all have complete access to, before you enter into your physical life “contract” with the Universe.

When you cease to be this physical form that you are now, you leave in your wake a lot of experiences, events…creations…yet to be realized in physical form, though they are vibrationally complete from the get-go. And when you return to your Essential Self—the vibrational, nonphysical you, that both precedes and accompanies you though physical life—you deposit all of the accumulated potential experiences back into a sort of vault, a pool of shared essences awaiting to be rediscovered by you, or by one of your fellows, in some future life experience.

So here you are now in your nonphysical Form, your Greater Self. And you have this great pool of life experiences to look at, both your own and those of your spiritual companions. You see, you don’t do this alone: You never have. When you select your “next” life experience you may choose to take back some of your own, or you may choose to take back someone else’s, as your launching pad for your new creations.

But all they are is a launching pad, a starting place. And it’s not necessarily “your” karma. On a vibrational level—and that is the level at which you choose your life beginnings—there are no “others”; certainly not as you conceive of “others” in physical terms. You have access to all of it, the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the indifferent, the exciting, all of it to choose from.

The beauty of this is that the vibrational essences you carry forward into your next physical life form are just there as support material, groundwork, for what you will create next. You are not bound by it. You can de-energize it at any time by moving your full attention elsewhere—and you do. Or you can choose to live some of it out by keeping your attention upon it. You can call forth the vibrational essence of any “past” life into any of your present life experiences by invoking it: place your attention upon it and Source will become a vibrational match.

There are no challenges you “must” pass in this life; You are already Perfect. All the challenges before you, you have chosen through your attention at one time or another to include in your experience. Some deliberately…some by default. If there is some test you feel you must pass, you will get another crack at it as many lifetimes as you wish to engage that challenge. If your best buddy in the nonphysical hits or misses his, you may choose to do that next instead. There are no limits. There are no boundaries. You are infinite beings with unlimited lifetimes to live… ha, ha, ha!… or what part of eternal, infinite life don’t you understand? As a physical being you just live it one slice at a time. All is well.


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