Thursday, September 27, 2012

Malaysian Girls want to be One and have some fun!

Photo: You'd never see these Indonesian girls and their message in the mainstream media. It's too bad. Let's help amplify their message. Please like and share this.

"Kick it" means hang out and have fun, be friendly, chill together. You will meet many Muslims  kicking it with Christians and people of many religions at Libyans and Americans United for Friendship and Peace.
You'd never see these Indonesian girls and their message in the mainstream media. It's too bad. Let's help amplify their message. Please like and share this.

"Kick it" means hang out and have fun, be friendly, chill together. You will meet many Muslims kicking it with Christians and people of many religions at Libyans and Americans United for Friendship and Peace.

1 comment:

  1. this not malaysian girls .. there are indonesian!! because of the outfits
