Thursday, September 27, 2012

Let The Beauty We Love Be What We Do

Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened. Don't open the door to the study
and begin reading. Take down the dulcimer.

Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

Jelaluddin Rumi, Jelaluddin Rumi poetry, Muslim / Sufi, Muslim / Sufi poetry,  poetry,  poetry,  poetry
Jeluddin Rumi
 What this poem means to me: 
"We wake up empty and frightened...." Like Thoreau, I think "most men lead lives of quiet desperation."  I know I awaken with anxiety about finances, and what I can do to make ends meet? What can I do about this? My birthday is coming up, and I plan to change my lifestyle to one more simpler. I am going to sell and give away alot, so I can live in a smaller place - probably a boat? With much past experience, I have learned to live much more economically on the water. I am going to meditate more. With more meditation, I live more in mindfulness. With mindfulness, I am more in the moment. I enjoy simpler things in life. I even enjoy cleaning and dishwashing more. I am more organized. I am more creative. I am happier. I hear the Celestial Song of Joy when in mindfulness.

Bunni Vaughan Healy Sounds great to me Ron. I always live better when I simplify, organize, scale down and breathe. There is only a certain amount of stuff you can own before you are owned by stuff.
Ron Alexander Thanks Bunni Vaughn Bunni Vaughan Healy, I have been living a priviliged life between the beach house and the boat in Charleston, however I cannot afford that soon anymore, unless I sell alot of art and my wooden show boat at the wooden boat show in Georgetown Oct. 20!

  • Ra Divakar I agree with Bunni Vaughan Healy! "The best things in life are not things."

  • Ron Alexander Bobby Hinkle
    Love turned outward toward pleasure and wealth naturally creates bondage, imprisoning the soul behind the prison bars of false, temporal illusions.

  • Bonnie Scrudato Beautiful Ron, I honor you and your path. You are a great teacher.

  • Ron Alexander I am definitely a student Bonnie and plan to be one as long as I live, thank you so much though!

    Bonnie Scrudato We are all both teachers and students. You have taught me many valuable things, my friend. For instance, I remember the first time I really met you, we both attended The New Earth book study at Unity and you were wearing a little tag that said "silent Ron". You were practicing Vispasana. I was intrigued and had to know what that was about. So in that moment you opened a new door for me. And to me that is what a teacher does - opens doors for the student to explore. Thank you for sharing this earthwalk with me and again I honor your path. ♥

  • Ron Alexander "Teachers and students to each other" - Yes! I accept that Bonnie Scrudato! I am so grateful for the affirmative reminder!
  • Lisa Jones What is your passion Ron? What is it that you love to do that you lose yourself in? You lose all track of time because you are totally absorbed? What is it that your soul wants to express? Anxiety is just fear not realized. Getting to the core of the fear that keeps you prisoner is your only liberation from yourself. Love and hugs my friend! You are always right where you need to be in every moment.
  • Ron Alexander Thanks Lisa Jones! Very good, today I got involved in art creativity getting ready for the Wooden boat Show and really enjoyed useing some new bright colors = used to be stuck on white, varnish and blue bottom paint. - getting more abstract which really places me in the Moment. Then tomorrow I will help take Veterans sailing, and I get lost in the skill of sailing and the teamwork and fellowship with my fellow Vets!

    A bird does not sing because he has an answer.
     He sings because he has a song.
    Joan Walsh Anglund (
    Photo: A bird does not sing because he has an answer.
 He sings because he has a song. 

Joan Walsh Anglund (

This poem goes along with Rumi advising us 'not to go get a book". It is time to stop seeking and start living - to be more of a human Being rather than a human "doing." It goes along with the KISS theory - Keep it simple Spirit. Why make life more complex than it already is with more intellectual theory?
    This beautiful bird is singing in the rain.
    This poem goes along with Rumi advising us 'not to go get a book". It is time to stop seeking and start living - to be more of a human Being rather than a human "doing." It goes along with the KISS theory - Keep it simple Spirit. Why make life more complex than it already is with more intellectual theory?


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