Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What is Suffering? The Truth will set you free!

Tigmonk (Thanks -Tigmonk is a teacher near Medford, Oregon)
What is suffering?

It is an internal argument that says this moment is unwhole.

It is quite common that the human being doesn't want to admit that they suffer; sprung from an arrogance that doesn't want to appear in the eyes of others as deficient in some way.

But in silence, we cannot escape the truth that within we are scared litt...
le children who are deathly afraid to lose our story. However, we try to hide by filling our lives with distractions; something to keep the mind busy we don't have to address the prison in which we have created for ourselves.

Sooner or later, the running becomes too much and we collapse to our knees. In our collapse, humility arises, a sincerity extends from our heart and we admit something profound, we acknowledge that we do not know. We acknowledge that this whole time we have been pretending, and our pretending has squeezed the joy from our life. In this, we become open to give up our dream of pretending and allow for something deeper to be seen.
This is the beginning of a new birth.

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