Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Balance Ego & Spirit - take the pressure off yourself

Ra Divikar:
I like the "balance" however what does this mean? Ego can use being nice to do this; however, when you are a genuine person, it doesn't
Dean A. Banks: Ego uses being nice to gain something like control, domination or manipulation of another individual. When you trust in the Divine you are being genuine and being nice is an extension of the Oneness you share.
The ego needs to be balanced by the Spirit of God. When the spirit is in control we are nice to others because we FEEL that way, not because the ego is trying to manipulate someone into submitting to its control. Ego can use being nice to do this; however, when you are a genuine person, it doesn't. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Photo: The ego needs to be balanced by the Spirit of God. When the spirit is in control we are nice to others because we FEEL that way, not because the ego is trying to manipulate someone into submitting to its control. Ego can use being nice to do this; however, when you are a genuine person, it doesn't. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

    • Ron Alexander I wrote this in response to Dr. Dean and to Milton Foster sharing about Dr. Wayne Dyer coming back to Center:I think we all need to learn more about being balanced between Self & ego, and not being delusioned that we can be completely in Self while in this body and on this planet! The Ones who are that High need alot of servants to take care of their bodily needs and there are a few like that!
    • Nancy Odle People confuse niceness with powermongering all the time. I have found it best for my own balance to seek introversion. People who need me will find me. That would be a shaman's way, as well, I am thinking.
    • Ra Divakar ‎"Shaman's way - people who need me will find me" Yes, thank you Nancy Odle!
      Ron Alexander I agree with Nancy Odle also!

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