Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Row, row, row your boat GENTLY MERRILY

Row, row row your boat gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
Make it a good dream! illustration (for my book) by Chad Chrysler

Roger A. Briggs: If very few of your friends or family members seem to understand you lately (or you them), don't be concerned. If you feel that you alone are waking up while all those around you appear to be sleeping, don't let it bother you. The thing is, everyone is awakening at their own pace... many are feeling somewhat overwhelmed by this new sense of knowing and the apparent sense of urge...ncy that accompanies it. Because of that, so many of those you care about could be in a temporary state of denial. I can't tell you how to deal with this, I can only share with you what works for me. Over the years I've found that the most beneficial course of action to take when dealing with others, especially where loved ones are concerned, is by making a conscious effort to maintain an open minded dialog..., by speaking gently and listening attentively. And above all, by being as patient with them as you would want them to be with you. RAB Thanks Roger! Row Row your boat GENTly down the stream Merrily, Merrily life is but a dream!

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