Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More Freedom - Republicans or Democrats?

Freedom (An excellent letter on who believes the most in freedom in The Myrtle Beach Sun Times - generally like most media it is conservative - the "liberal Media" is a mostly a mythical misnomer) GOP needs refresher on definition I have come to the conclusion that Republicans talk about freedom, but they don’t really believe in it. Rick Santorum, for example, recently applauded a preacher who sa...id non-Christians should leave the country. Republicans want public employees (rather than crooks on Wall Street) to submit bodily fluids for random drug testing. They want women to submit to vaginal ultrasounds (a form of institutionalized rape) before having an abortion. They want police to stop non-whites on the street and demand proof of citizenship. They want to make it as difficult as possible for the young, the elderly, the poor, and minorities to vote. They want to deny workers the freedom to form a union and do collectively bargaining. To me the only freedom conservatives really believe in is the freedom of the rich and powerful to rip off ordinary working people. I think it is liberals who believe the most in freedom. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said: “True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security…. Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.” Liberals believe in freedom from poverty, disease, unfair competition, substandard wages, and fear mongering. Liberals believe in freedom from tainted food, outrageous interest rates, deceptive advertising, hidden charges, and carcinogens in the environment. They believe in a citizen’s right to make his or her own decision about who to love and whether or not to have children. Liberals believe in freedom from unequal treatment because of skin color, religious beliefs or sexual orientation. They believe in the freedom to be a whistleblower or to protest an unnecessary war. Liberals believe in the freedom to compete on a level playing field against those who, by accident of birth, have more money and power. Freedom isn’t freedom unless ever citizen gets it. Larry Gates Pawleys Island

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