Saturday, February 4, 2012

Everything that happens is in Perfection!

“I believe that the measure of my soul is my capacity to love imperfect people.”~ Joseph Grenny
The idea that imperfection exists is a myth to start with. Everything that happens is in perfection. It's our own perception that colors it "right or wrong".
Ron Alexander: I really like that, thanks Sananda Allsgood Sounds like Truth to me!

Lindsay Lock Butler: Sananda, I have to partly disagree. There are some nearly universal wrongs/ rights [regardless of what religion or path we may be talking about here]. Most would agree [for instance] it's not right to kill, steal, lie. Most would find it good to help others... There may be exceptions to those rules [for example, it's okay to kill if it's in self-defense or steal if in dire need]. But committing atrocity for the sake of it, that is wrong. Other conceptions of right and wrong, yes, that is up to the individual to decide if that is right or wrong in their lives.
Ron Alexander: Well, thanks for speaking your truth, Lindsay Lock Butler! Indeed, this is interesting. I think in reality you are right, however, I think that in Reality Sananda Allsgood is right! In a way, you are both right!Sananda Allsgood: Lindsay - While I appreciate your right to believe what you may, I was speaking in a bigger picture than just our social customs or religious beliefs. For example, you said it isn't right to steal, which would imply that a person could own something. In order to own something, you would have to deny another to possess it, correct? But how can we really own anything. That is an illusion just as time is an illusion or "right and wrong". If you want to address killing another, that would imply you would end another's life, but since we are total energy, formed as a physical being, and energy can never be destroyed...only change the shape it presents, then can anyone really "die" or have a life ended? I don't believe this possible...but this is how I believe and I also know not everyone does. Perhaps one day, John Lennon will be found to be correct in his song "Imagine". It isn't much different than sailing off the end of the flat world only to isn't flat at all. Blessings.

Ron Alexander: Lindsay Lock Butler - I understand what you're trying to say Sananda. And it's certainly an interesting point. Thanks for explaining it further :-)

Ron Alexander: Thanks Sananda Allsgood, good explanation of a difficult position - like trying to explain that the whole world as we see it is an illusion - a dream. Or a "nightmare" or a mixture (usually). We can choose Heaven or hell in Reality but most of us live in between in reality or what the Buddhists call the Middle

Bob Sampron ‎... or simply by accepting the spirituality of imperfection.
Lydia Porter: Clapping for Bob Sampron. Cheers in background. Imperfection is the natural contrast that lets us see perfection. This gives all direction. Which direction you choose to travel is your own choice.

Lindsay Lock Butler: Lydia Porter, you hit the nail right on the head for me. Thank you for explaining what I was having a hard time putting together in words. :-)
Bob Sampron: Of course, then there is the question why does a perfect God allow imperfection? Why is it necessary for humans and all things mortal to experience imperfection at all? Why is imperfection necessary? Or, are imperfection and perfection merely opinions, as is the existence of anything beyond energy?Sananda Allsgood: I understand what all of you are saying, and there is poetic truth to it. Without would you know what light is, etc? It is my feeling that these are very basic understandings though and to allow ones self to grow further is to allow other, shall we say, "outlandish" ideas to land, take seed and grow.
Sananda Allsgood: Lydia...just a thought to ponder on the idea of people depending on you. I understand what you are saying and that is the concept that we all have lived under for millenniums, but there are other examples also. What of the families of the people who passed in 9/11? I'm sure they felt their families depended on them too, yet they are still here and they are alive. Of course I don't know what conditions they are living under, but life will continue and the illusion that we are "needed" is something that our own ego tells us to provide a sense of worth. I, in no way, want to sound like I am diminishing the value of a parent for a child or the assistance to an elderly parent, I'm not. But I am saying that it's our own story that we have told ourselves throughout time, that we are needed and important. In the grander scheme of things, we are a cell in the body of the universe who will be here...until we aren't. Then we will appear somewhere else, in some other form and "press on". I am a parent, a husband and a child to elderly parents and I like to believe that in some way, I'm important to them, but in reality (the BIG reality) if I wasn't here tomorrow, the sun would still rise, the air would still be breathable and the day would go on. It's a story we tell ourselves until we don't any longer.

Sananda Allsgood: My wife just added this and I find it awesome. Since perfection and imperfection are merely opinions or beliefs, as is anything beyond energy, that makes everything the playground of experience.

Lindsay Lock Butler: Sananda I love, "Without would you know what light is..." Beautiful and so true. It's applicable in so many ways- how could we know happiness without sadness? Joy without grief? Love without hate? We hope to learn from all experiences- good and bad. But without those choices- how could we really learn at all? A god who forced us to do good would be also forcing us to love him. Which would only be a whisper of the love that we can really exhibit for god and our fellowman compared to the quantity when given the choice.

"Everything that happens is in Perfection!" This thought extracted from Sananda Allsgood's thoughts summarizes all that has been said here for me! Thank you all for the great dialogue! ron

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