Saturday, February 4, 2012

Breathing for Life, for Love, for Loving Life!

I have been waking gasping for breath lately and really anxious about dying. VA Doc told me that it sounded like "Sleep Apnea". I was relieved as had no idea of why I was having breathing, fatigue, and muscle soreness in last few weeks. The doc told me she would set me up for a sleep lab soon. She told me that if tech. placed breathing mask on me during sleep lab, that would confirm Apnea. I could tell her that there is no doubt. Now, when waking up instead of panicing, I use deep breathing (pranayama} that I learned in Hatha Yoga training.
How precious breathe and life is ...I have never felt that close to death before.

Jeanne thinks it is because 3 lawyers are meeting tomorrow to determine my fate with house. Please send positive thoughts this way that Divine Wisdom will prevail in that meeting.

.Lindsay Lock Butler My dad has sleep apnea, I never thought of using yoga breathing techniques in that... it's an interesting idea. He's currently working with a physical trainer and his doctor to try to lose weight because the doctor is pretty confident (as are the rest of us) that him being overweight is definitely not helping. Stress doesn't help either [he works REALLY hard]. I'm really glad my dad is taking his health issues seriously, because I want him around for a long, long time. Sending you good thoughts, my friend.

Pamela Pollard Arrington They glue these electrodes to your head and at various points on your face. Then they watch you sleep. There's a camera in the ceiling. They count how many times you stop breathing, how many times your turn over, and whether or not you snore in different positions. Then they map your REM sleep patterns. it was very beneficial to me. I have snored forever but it has gotten worse as I've gotten older. Now I sleep with my mask and since it has a double filter I don't wake up with a runny nose. It is actually very comfortable when you get used to it.

Pamela Pollard Arrington There's a piece of tissue that hangs between where you breath and where you swollow. I don't think there's anyway to exercise it. It gets droopy with age and is worse with excess weight. Although...there are plenty of skinny people that snore too. Go for it. If nothing else you will find out new things about yourself.

Lindsay Lock Butler Oh and the test is seriously no big deal. Really easy, fast.

Pamela Pollard Arrington I hope things go well with your house. I lost mine because I was laid off and then tried to sell it for two years with no takers. They finally foreclosed. The house was in Florida and we all know where that market is right now. It was so hurtful to me. I try not to think about it and I feel your angst. Home is our port of refuge.

Ron Alexander Dear Lindsay Lock Butler & Pamela Pollard Arrington, I really appreciate your supportive and inspirational comments!

Lindsay Lock Butler No problem! It's really amazing what they can find out on those studies. And once they figure it out, it's amazing what can be done. I'll just hope for good/ prompt results for you, my friend!

Ron Alexander Oh, Pamela Pollard Arrington, I did not know about that "piece of tissue" - that explains why I have been having trouble "swallowing the wrong way" lately and feeling like I was unablte to breathe then too! Great info. I have heard people getting surgery and I guess that is why?

Pamela Pollard Arrington Yep, Ron, gravity got you. Thank God you don't have boobs with the same problem!! The point is, it is physiology. That's all. Go take the test and see what is going on.

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