Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How Can I be Gratefully Peaceful While Fighting an Eviction?

‎~Thank the great Spirit within for all That life brings. All is a gift; the sweet As well as the bitter. All is for your Growth, freedom and celebration. Be happy. This is blessedness.~ - Mooji -..

Elizabeth May Sutor: HI -"grateful while fighting eviction". Can't wait to see this. HOW did this happen? My father and I used to have conversations in 1986(!!!)about how eventually there will be no more middle class, only the very wealthy and the poor. My father was so concerned about the direction in which this country was going. It completely eludes me how people can not see what is going on, can not be outraged, and how 99 percent are being controlled by 1 percent.

Hi Elizabeth, Great questions, can I use them in my article (with your name or anon)? It is a house that my Father designed and had built in 1972. I have been living in it and renovating it for 7 years at my Mother's request. However, my Mom died from an accident before she could change the will...well anyhow, the "Alexander Family Trust" got control of it with alot more (much more to the story), and I am fighting them to stay here for rest of my life. I was doing well, and then shockingly got served a 30 day eviction notice a couple of days before Thanksgiving. Lawyers (from the Establishment - 1%) have been very disappointing. I need to find a good liberal lawyer (very difficult here in South) or just accept and turn to a simple life? Or can I sue and keep my peace???? thanks so much, ron..

Akasha Desa - "The greatest generosity is non-attachment." - Atisha
- Atisha< thanks - just what I needed as I am fighting eviction...ron
Akasha Desa: Hello Ron. Love/God(whatever word you are using) takes care of you.. has it not before?
whatever you are facing, have Faith... have certainty.. the circumstance will arise to lift you up. Don't doubt or judge.. just take it.
Thank U for your mail Brother. Blessings

I can be grateful as this eviction fight can lead to being non-attached and "extravagantly generous." I can greatly simplify my life, and learn that "the most important things are not things". I can live more from my Self rather than my self. I can more realize my Inner Christ, my Inner Buddha, The Tao. Peace, Joy, Light and Love will be Right Here Now!
"I live, move, and have my being in that which is perfect, complete within Itself. That Changeless Self is my self." Ernest Holm

Dean A. Banks: Liz just told me. You and your family are in our prayers. I will contact a friend with the Occupy Movement to see if they can help. Also, I have other business associates in South Carolina who might know an attorney who could help. Expect the best and visualize it!..

Ron Alexander:
"Oh yes! The good Dr. Dean is one of my favorite inspirational supporters. I am so grateful to you and your hubby! thanks, ron And I have already been bouyed by the thought of contacting Occupy movement - yesterday and I fantasized on it last night instead of doom and gloom nightmares. Much appreciation, ron" answer to your bright wife, and thanks for referral, dear Dr. Dean!..
Ron Alexander:
Expect the best and visualize it!
..Wow! just what I needed to hear, dear Dr.!
Dean A. Banks: As the prayers of your friends lift you up, go within and see the best happening for you and your family. We will be diligently working to find allies for you in preventing this travesty from occurring. Trust and believe in God, your source, and your friends, the extension of source. Peace and blessings to you and your family!..

Ron, I'm sorry to hear about your problem; it appears that you have done lots of work to maintain the family home & that should give you some rights. Hope that you can resolve it in a peaceful way.
Ron Alexander: Thanks so much Beata Bohac! I have worked hard on this house for about 7 years, when Mom asked me to move in, as it was a shambles for being used as a crack house and being "vacant" for a few years. "Peaceful way" that is a key - "Fighting" for justice & righteousness keeping centered and grateful! lotsaappreciation, ron

Ida Rose: Ron have you forgotton the greatest warrior of all, you can still do what you want to do,but get silent!!
Ask holy spirit and your guiding angels to help you. You must ask, how else can they help if you don't ask?
and really appreciate your advice Ida and I Am, I AM!

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