Thursday, December 8, 2011

Eviction "Fight" part 2

Can I "fight" and really "win"? Can I let go and let God and "fight"? Do I have enough faith to really be non-attached? Will a good idealistic lawyer come along and "fight" the "good fight" for me? So far, none of the lawyers of the many I have talked to appear to think I have much of a chance.Can I accept the outcome, even if I am forced out? Do I want to leave before the eviction - getting rid (giving away much) of a lot of "things" and get really simple again. As a young adult, I took off and went sailing - rebelling against our materialistic society. Is that the answer again? Maybe? Younger the rebelling was a reaction, can I make sail away an intelligent conscious response instead?
Elizabeth May Sutor: Get still and go within. If you can, get away from the "fight" energy, and try to go with "allowing" instead. When we resist, we somehow only succeed in attracting more negativity since our focus is actually on that which we are resisting. ...Do what you can, call who you can, but if you can be willing to be ok with the outcome no matter what, it may help you somewhat. You never know what God/The Universe has in store for you, to bring about your good, but just maybe simpler turns out to be the answer. I wish I knew definitively, but this is what I felt I should share with you.
Elizabeth May Sutor: My friend, Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson,taught me an exercise to help when you are overwhelmed. When you can get the time, lie on the floor, on your back, and meditate on the word "surrender". Get up when you absolutely have to, but otherwise, lie there and meditate on the word until you feel a break-through, no matter whether it's 10 min. or 1 hour.
Ron Alexander:
like it - will share "surrender" - letting go and ALLOWING GOD, ron

Marie Corry: What an exciting place to be in. Letting go and completely trusting as I did when the Jobcentre stopped my moeny coming in. A real opportunity to let go and let God.
Marie Corry: I didn't want to sound blase Ron. It is fearful the thought of losing one's home. Home means a lot too myself. But when we truly surrender we find all turns out well in the end.
Already praying. Don't know all the details, though I feel the energy of what is happening. Will send prayer request to Unity team. Know we love you, we see the best unfolding for you, with the least amount of struggle, and huge peace and well-being, and telling one of your great stories about this chapter of deepening in your great book of awakening. Many Blessings, M.
Lydia Porter: I will continue praying for the most ositive out come. That way you will get what is truely best for you. I will also pray that your desires and your best interests become in total alignment. That way Stay or go ,you will be getting what you need/want. Fight the good fight and know what is best will happen.
Ron Alexander:
Thanks dear Lydia, I am praying for enough faith to let go and let God! His Divine Will be done anyway! For me, I would like to have my cake and eat it too - go cruising and be able to lease out this house to finance my traveling - lol, ron
Can I publish your prayerful response - your name or anon?

Beata Bohac: It is a shame, that the will has not been changed. However, the fact, that you have lived there & renovated it all by yourself should have lot of weight as far as the law goes. Ron, do you have any photos of "before & after" the renovations, or even some bills for materials used that would serve as a proof? Can you reason with the family members?
Ron Alexander: No reasoning with 2 remaining family members or "trust" lawyer, who really controls this house and all the family property. The two remaining family members are a 30 yr. old nephew addicted, alcoholic and deeply resentful. He dominate is great Aunt (my
Aunt, who is8 minu
Ron Alexander: thanks Beata, No reasoning with 2 remaining family members or "trust" lawyer, who really controls this house and all the family property. The two remaining family members are a 30 yr. old nephew addicted, alcoholic, on parole who has tried to kill me and will be immediatly put back in jail at any contact with me. His Great Aunt (my
Aunt, who is dominated by nephew, as she was dominated by her husband, then my Mother... they live on other side of State and have a completely different view of life that I do... like 1% vs. our 99 %. . "Trust Lawyers" have more power than they should and other lawyers don't want to oppose them. Appreciate your question though, and your obvious concern! ron

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