Friday, October 21, 2011

Starter Kit to Help You Love Yourself

Intention is first requirement to help provide motivation - take baby steps and take yourself lightly while trying some of them. KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetheart!
1. Meditation/Prayer/rituals
2. Walking/jogging/other exercise(s)
3. Yoga/Tai Chi/Chi Gung/other martial arts
4. Pet to nurture & be nurtured
5. Nature - get out alot
6. Art/writing or other creative project
7. Community/group support
8. Close friends to nurture and be nurtured by
9. Inspirational books/magazines
10. Humor/lightness - take yourself lightly, watch humor in movies, TV, go to or join improv. humor groups - leave out the sarcasm.
11. Spiritual (not necessary religious) support
(Purpose to gain wisdom not necessary knowledge)
Love wisdom, and she will guard you; cherish her, and she will lift you high; if only you embrace her, she will bring you honor. She will set a garland of grace on your head and bestow on you a crown of glory.Proverbs 4:6-9

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