Friday, October 21, 2011

Celebrate Life Some Way Every Day - How I Celebrate?

The more you sense the rareness and value of your own life,
the more you realize that how you use it, how you manifest it,
is all your responsibility. We face such a big task, so naturally
we sit down for a while. Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi
Ron Alexander: ‎"so naturally..." WE CELEBRATE LIFE!
Or...We face such a big task, so naturally
we sit down for a while.

That's why we're not going on the town to celebrate being alive. Instead we're attending to our mindstream — the repository of our karma with utmost diligence. To transform it not only for our own but for other's sake as well is a big task....

We do it knowing that nothing "out there" is the inherent source of our genuine happiness. Instead we realize that it is our inner positive way of being that is the happiness for ourselves and a condition for others' happiness.

As a human we have a rare capacity to choose our actions of the mind, speech and body, where each one begets a consequence.
We also contemplate the short window of this opportunity, we can't prevent the flow of change, including the inevitability of the end to our lifetime.
This energizes us to sit down for a while and give more attention to that which doesn't perish.

Ra Divakar: thanks Anatoly - "We face such a big task, so naturally
we sit down for a while."

Ron Alexander - How do I celebrate? Answer to Anatoly:
I celebrate when I sit in meditation. I celebrate my breath. I celebrate silence. I celebrate the senses of my body. I celebrate the movement of energy within and without. I celebrate the first taste of water, tea and an apple in the AM. I celebrate the lively dog who wants to go walking first thing. I celebrate nature - the wild woods and ocean nearby that Lil pulls me to. I celebrate the plants, the trees, the birds, the sand, the water, the waves, the other people and pets walking at the same time. I celebrate when Lil pulls me into jogging. Her appreciative response to me when I feed her on return. I celebrate the thoughtful message from Anatoly and my ability to respond rather than react. I celebrate the creative thoughts of how and where I can plant the new beach rose, I purchased yesterday at Unity yard sale. I celebrate the changing of the thermostat from cool to heat this AM - the changing of the season. I celebrate the surging feeling of peaceful blissful energy in my body as I sit here at the computer finishing this first response. I celebrate my gratefulness to Anatoly's profound comment! More later...

When I turned 67 Oct. 14, I promised myself I would celebrate every day in some way. I am carrying on with this promise, and it has added a lot of fun and joy to my life. I did the extravagant thing going out and buying a wooden skiff the day after my birth day, however, it is usually short and sweet like taking the grateful dog for a walk, or a close friend out to a meal - sometimes breakfast, lunch but usually dinner. I have found out which ones give out the best desserts for birthdays, and enjoyed those. Checking out art gallaries, comedy improv clubs & anniverseries for nice new age stores, music venues, gardens, butterflies, birds - insisting on personal space when I need it - often! Walking in the rain, wading in mudpuddles, creating ideas for celebrating - going to surprise my friend with breakfast a waterfront cafe overlooking a marina full of nice boats. Walking around the docks afterwards checking the boats out and interesting sailors who live on them - getting in a nautical conversation if they appear to have the time.
I enjoy staying in an cooking up a creative meal also.
Just thinking about how I am going to fix up my new wooden skiff - varnish, paint, carved wooden figurehead, may make a sail boat out of her helps me celebrate.
Other creative projects, art or writing or poetry or music or dance or some of each. Just formulating this blog in my mind helps me enjoy life some more. What do you do to celebrate life even if in a small way?

"Come as a child again, to enter the gates of heaven."

The more you sense the rareness and value of your own life,
the more you realize that how you use it, how you manifest it,
is all your responsibility. We face such a big task, so naturally
we sit down for a while.
Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi
Ron Alexander: ‎"so naturally..." WE CELEBRATE LIFE!

Nobody Can Take Your Genuine Joy Away
Our "genuine happiness" comes from within
and nobody can give it to you and
nobody can take it away from you!
Be Happy & Free!
in joy, ron

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