Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Humor instead of worry? Equanimity?

Sometimes the simultaneous conditions of the world can be serious and humorous. If your beliefs make you sick and you can't sleep at night, how is that helping you or anyone? Don't look away from tragedies; help. Don't allow negativity to rule your life as well. Stuff happens. How you react to it is how it affects you. Be helpful to those in need but don't sacrifice internal peace in the process. Peace. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Mia Goldsmith: No way am I going to sacrifice my inner peace because of some.... as it is for them to find it..How long is it going to take? That is one thing I have learned over the years....Patience.

Ron Alexander: Wow, Dr. Dean, you are on fire today! I am reading just what I need to hear from you. I was up most of the night worrying about the world situation - the 'tea party' - wondering why "people vote against their self-interest", why do people "identify with the aggressor"? on and on - gotta learn to see the humor like you talk about below - Sharing, thanks for your inspirational support, good Dr.!

Dean A. Banks: We all learn from each other. Ron, you have taught me to keep going when the spirit moves me even though I am tired. There is someone 'out there' that needs to hear what they need to hear and my personal fatigue is a minor impediment to that. Thank you for the shot in the arm, dear friend. The best to both of you!

Be in The Moment

For many years, at great cost,
I traveled through many countries,
saw the high mountains, the oceans.
The only things I did not see were
the sparkling dewdrops in the grass
just outside my door.
Rabindranath Tagore

Lydia Porter: I have met to many people who travel the world and have never seen sights 20 minutes away from their house. Explore your town, state , and be a tourist in your own life. That way when you do meet people from somewhere else you can show them the beauty arround you.
Ron Alexander: "Be a tourist in your own life" - like that - when I worked with youth, I found that they were headed for trouble or were already in trouble, when they lost their sense of wonder (became cynical). Your daughters are a great example of kids having a delightful sense of wonder - wonderFULL!

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