Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Course in Miracles has its Wonderful Parts

Dean A. Banks:
When you accept what ACIM says as gospel, you have already limited the scope in which you perceive the majesty of the universe. It is the spirit channeled through an observer with their own programmed belief system which 'filtered' what was 'given' to them. Upon careful inspection of the text I have observed more personal agenda than 'direction' of spirit. When we all discharge the overall effect of Literary Authoritarianism and embrace direct revelation unfetterred by our emotional agenda setting belief system, then, and only then, will we align ourselves with the complete truth of the Divine.

Ron Alexander: Just like the Bible, it has its wonderful inspiring Spirit-filled scriptures, however parts are full of egoic thinking - especially the parts that demonizes the ego, the body and the earth.
Mia Goldsmith: In my vision of reality...all channeling is painted by the thinker/writer/etc.
Ron Alexander: Fundamentalists of any stripe do not think in Spirit!
Mia Goldsmith: I agree. No books, no thought patterns of the past, no religous dogma, etc... only this way can we .(be).."in the now" and travel, to call it a word, in the space of evolution.
Dean A. Banks: When we put what is 'channeled' to the test and it verifies its premises through collective and observable conclusions we will have effectively verified its veracity.
Mia Goldsmith: Who knows what I say or you say, or they say is true? The only way to see if it for source to come from three different angles.. But generally in this chanelling concept..It is One person who speaks.. And then it becomes a painted picture of the ego of another.

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