Monday, July 18, 2011

Thunder Full Moon Drumming @ Myrtle Beach

Ron Alexander Myrtle Beach Full Moon Drum Circle Rob & Sun News!
Ron Alexander: great quote by Rob Jackson - "Jackson spoke of a healing and instranssient strength the circle gives him, and the benefits it has not only for a person's heart and circulation, but for mind as well.
‎"He appreciated what he called a 'rainbow' of community spirit that everyone brings every month, without losing stride. They just show up when the full moon is coming, Jackson said, that's their beacon in the sky, like Batman."
Rob Jackson; ‎"Holy moonbeams Batman !"
Rob Jackson:
It is also generally known that the intensely physical stimulus of monotonous drumming and rattling, combined with culturally-meaningful ritual and ceremony, prayer and chant, singing and dancing, can be equally as effective in the shifting of consciousness into visionary modes of perception. ~ Paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman

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