Sunday, July 17, 2011

How Do I Keep the Negative Thoughts Out of my Head?

Q: How do I keep the negative thoughts out of my head?

First of all you must realize that your thoughts are not good or bad. They are just thoughts. When you see the tremendous power of creation that lies within yourself, when you recognize that the Source of All Being is creating through you, then you will see that your thoughts have no power within them. They receive all of their power from the Source of All.

It is your job to direct them, or to redirect them. Source Energy flows where your attention goes. And when you get involved in a struggle of trying to oppose your negative thoughts, you have put your attention upon them. And of course, when you put your attention upon them, you’ve given your them your energy.

So your solution here is to find your own calm and peaceful center. Make it your home. And in that calm and peaceful center recognize the presence of all the things, people, places, events, that you are wanting to create in your life experience. We want your calm, peaceful center to be the place you always return to. So when those thoughts appear that are disturbing you, you know immediately that they do not belong, and you know immediately they are not presently a part of your center.

Return to your vision. Breathe deep and return to your calm center. Those thoughts are just an artifact of your exposure to life. They have no power of their own. They only have power when you give it to them. So take your power back. Return to the place of knowing all is well.

If they insist on following you, love them into a form that is acceptable to you. They are clay, and like the master potter that you are, you can reshape them into something beautiful, but you must always do this work from your center. It’s out there in the world where the wild thoughts get generated in the first place. It’s a wilderness out there: You have heaven within. So go within and bring heaven forth into the world.

You are loved and you have the blessing of heaven on your journey.

~ Twelve

You have heaven within. So go within and bring heaven forth into the world.

Gurinder Singh Choudhary:
The various restless states of the mind; the changing events and circumstances of life, are all fleeting and illusory. Meditate to realize your true Self, the Pure Essence, which remains unaffected by all illusions and abides in eternal bliss and peace.~GSC~

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