Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mind Beyond Judgements

‎"A mind beyond judgments watches, and understands." - Buddha
Buddha painting by Ashutosh Sharma

.Bob Sampron ‎... and denies, which is still judgment. To not judge is to judge. There is no escape.
Ron Alexander: I have found lately, Bob, that if I stay as completely in the moment as possible, stay focused, I really reduce my judgements. If I have compassion for someone who cuts me off in traffic, I reduce my judgements. I think that Buddha learn to stay in the moment with his strong meditation practice and at same time, he developed great compassion watching the same thoughts and feelings pass through him as everybody. The key words here are "passing" and "as everybody"- our Oneness. Thanks, Bob, for helping me reflect, as I have been such a judge, that often I thought I belonged on the Supreme Court!
Bob Sampron: Ron, how is that living? It seems to me the only place to stay effectively in the moment is in the grave.

Ron Alexander: Lol! Well I consider staying in the moment and being compassionate and non-judgemental as possible to be really joyously ALIVE! i find when I am happy, what other people say or do don't affect me. Thanks for the inquiry - you help me to reflect on how I am attempting to live, and I feel fairly successful and getting better all the time!

Jeanne Porter Ashley: when the stepping aside from the reflex of judgement becomes the new reflex who is to say a different path is necessary...17
Bob Sampron: The stepping aside is a judgment. The reflex is an instinctive judgment. There is judgment or there is no life.
Ron Alexander: Thanks for all your well-reasoned input Bob and Jeanne and Ra! Life is good!
Bob Sampron: And if instinctive judgment is not Spirit talking through us in the form of its experience of life, then I don't know what is.
Ron Alexander: Talking about humans not reptiles - the reptilian (lower) part of the brain is where instincts come from - of course, instincts are God-given, yet no "free will" choice there...
Ra Divakar Have to agree with Ron here Bob, even though there is truth in "social interactionism", it applies to lower consciousness, while Ron is talking about Higher Consciousness, which you call "theological" - a big difference in words. Although there is still alot of semantic differences here, I think you are both telling your truth, just in different spheres of consciousness.
Bob Sampron: Ra, may I suggest you read George Herbert Mead on the subject of social interactionism. Also Charles Horton Cooley. Experiment after experiment shows them correct. It's not faith. It's science.
Christi L Spivey: I wonder if you can become too watchful . . .
.Ron Alexander: Thanks Bob & Christi, in the past, I have not agreed with sociology, which does not mean it is not true. I agree with Ra, that this "Science" is on a lower consciousness sphere, as compared to Quantum Physics for example. Christi, I think it is impossible to be ever vigilant, however I do think increasing awareness is a most vital part of our growth. Again thank you both for helping me to "seriously" look at this.

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