Thursday, July 21, 2011

Meditate More

‎"So your solution here is to find your own calm and peaceful center. Make it your home. And in that calm and peaceful center recognize the presence of all the things, people, places, events, that you are wanting to create in your life expe......rience. We want your calm, peaceful center to be the place you always return to. So when those thoughts appear that are disturbing you, you know immediately that they do not belong, and you know immediately they are not presently a part of your center. "The Twelve"
Lael Bat Elohim: ‎@Ron- could you make me a gigantic poster with those wise words? I need to read that every day. I'd have it tattooed on my forearm but I weep at the images that brings.
Ron Alexander: Good idea for large poster, Lael - better would be to meditate more and more - a big reason that Jeanne and I are soon to enter a ten day silent meditation retreat - meditating ten hours per day and listening to the meditation teacher 2 hour discourse at night! thanks for suggestion, Peace, ron

Travis E. Duke And then imagine...only having to walk 60 a's pretty good man !! Rin Shin Ji...Forest Heart rocks !! For Sure !!
Ron Alexander: Gotta keep that Beginner's Mind - Loving kindness, ron
Travis E. Duke: Every morning...and many evenings...for 25 months...I've entered that Temple...bowed..offered incense to the Buddha, sat zazen, chanted...bowed..9+ times...I'm sure I don't need to tell works !! Been practicing with this group..5 yrs...nothing special...but it's a game changer for me..
Ron Alexander: That's impressive Travis. I am going back for another ten day silent Vipassana retreat again soon...expect it to stick this time!
Bobby Hinkle:
When your consciousness becomes a still mirror, a still lake, a silent reservoir of energy, God is reflected in it.
- Osho

Dean A. Banks: ‎"There's a mirror moving inside my mind, Reflecting the love that you shine on me, Hold on now to that feeling, Let it flow, let it grow" ~Gary Wright, Love Is Alive - Dream Weaver (Inspired by Paramahansa Yogananda)

When we speak of a calm state of mind or peace of mind, we shouldn't confuse that with an insensitive state of apathy. Having a calm or peaceful state of mind doesn't mean being spaced out or completely empty. Peace of mind or a calm state of mind is rooted in affection and compassion and is sensitive and responsive to others. ~ Dalai Lama

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