Saturday, July 2, 2011

An Exhilirating Sense of Freedom - The Sailing Away Years

FREEDOM MONTH - An Exhilirating Sense of Freedom
I sailed away for years after my dear Brother Barry was killed in Viet Nam flying Medi-vac helicopters. I did not listen or read the news, so was shocked when I came back one time to find that the new President's name was Ford. I knew about Watergate, but not about Nixon's removal. I was relieved, for Tricky Dick was elected to get us out of Viet Nam, but for over 6 long years he even expanded the war, and over 50,000 died under his "Peace with Honor" slogan including Barry, my Brother! And then most citizens choose to forget, but we were forced out - Dicky lost our first war ever - "Peace with dishonor"!
Sailing is quite a metaphor for freedom for me. I was free of our economic system. I survived very well living off the sea and the islands. I anchored out so as not to be plugged into utilities. It was hard work, but I thrived not listening to news or reading newspapers - rebelling from our very imperfect system.
What I have found out over the years is that our country is not perfect by any means, but our founding fathers had the best idea for a government that has ever been carried out and that starts with the "Declaration for Independence." We are a rare country in that we have freedom of religion - a separation of church and state. In my cruising around the world (most of it anyway), I have found almost all governments are much infested with the reigning religion making it hard on nonbelievers.
I think spiritual freedom is the only true freedom anyway, so I thank the Lord that I have the free will to choose to live in this beloved United States of America or elsewhere. I choose freedom to sail and worship the way I want to! Thank God, I have "FREE WILL"! "Even the Spirit does not seek to control us, It lets us alone to discover ourselves. We have thought that outside things controlled us, when all the time we have had that within that could have changed everything and given us freedom from bondage." Ernest Holmes
Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Master artist, Cao Yong, a refugee from China, went into seclusion for 2 months after Sept. 11, and painted a similar theme called FREEDOM. Cao, who I used to represent as an agent, really helps me appreciate my liberty in this country much more. After being jailed for painting “religious” subjects (Tibetan monasteries and sites before his government tore them down). Cao really appreciates our wonderful liberty.

Gregg Braden
"We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it." William Faulkner

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