Saturday, July 2, 2011

Your Thoughts Determine the Direction of your Life Experience

Everything is going exactly right, it really is. Imagine for a moment you disengaged this life and went to heaven. And there you are on the 9th hole at St. Peter’s Golf Paradise with Matthew, Mira, and Siddhartha. — How’s your game going now? Well obviously it’s perfect. Perfect drives. Perfect putts. Perfect scores. But seriously, how many perfect games will you endure before you are just bored to tears? How many scores of 18 on an 18 hole course will you really enjoy before you begin to spice it up a bit with winds, hills, dales, alligators, really big water hazards?

You see you don’t really want it all to be perfect all the time. Nor would you want to receive everything you have asked for all at once—what would you do with it all? You want the adventure of getting there. You want the adventure of obstacles and adversaries, and that’s why you keep creating them.

“But what about war, and incest, and robbery?” you say. These are the adventures of a lifetime. These are the events that can bring you to new levels of awareness and power in yourself and your connection with Source.

There are two lessons you can learn from all this:

One is that everything is going wrong, whereupon you learn that the world is evil and out to get you; and from it spring hopelessness and despair, grieving and loss.

The other is that everything is going right, and you are in exactly the right place and the right time. And though you may not understand why you had to be there just now, you know you can go on, and understanding will come just as soon as you are on some higher ground looking down on it.

From this lesson springs perfection and grace, spirit and upliftment. You learn that the Universe is exactly as it is because you asked it to be that way, and you did so with your thoughts, whether you were consciously choosing to have them or not.

It’s all about adopting that position of consciously choosing your thoughts and beliefs, because the world, in its perfection, always follows your thoughts. And it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, or does, or says; it’s your thoughts that determine the direction of your life experience and everything else is just chatter.

Beloveds, our hearts are with you,

~ Twelve

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