Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Treasure of Really Being Alive

There are few treasures of more lasting worth than the experience of a way of life that is in itself wholly satisfying. Such, after all, are the only possessions of which no fate can deprive us; nothing can alter the fact if, for one moment in eternity, we have really lived.Eric Shipton (thanks gratefulness.org)

"Everything is so Alive, that I can be Alive. Without moving I can see it all. In your Life I see everything that Lives"
~ Pablo Neruda 1♥ (thanks Tammie)

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go out and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
Howard Thurman(gratefulness.org)

Jean Mitchell: That is exactly what I have been feeling dear ♥ Ron ♥ Treasuring being a live with every breathe, thought, feeling; being part of the tapestry and majesty of the world and not apart. (Took a few wake up calls to get there lol ) Truly grateful to be here in this moment celebrating life, the power of NOW, and ripples on the pool. Bless you.

‎"Live like you were dying" a song by tim mcgraw (Love like you were dying.) Another song title I like is "Alive in the Glory of Love" (SayAnything)

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