Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spiritual Beings - The Body Goes Back to the Dust

Ida Rose: Dear Mary ,I do not believe in the rapture!!! I believe Devine Creator created us and gave us everlasting life. Each life on earth is lived as different personality according to the lesson the person has to learn, we are spiritual beings living a human experience.The body goes back to the dust, the spirit goes back to higher or spiritual mansions, depends upon the level of you being awake to your spiritual birth. It is that simple for me!! I do not debate this point with onyone. another man's belief is not for me. I know!!! and each person will know sooner or latterI . I ask Spirit to show me , if it does not resonate with my heart, it is not truth to me. To me, God is the only Power. and in God's power , there is truth and love,and no space for religious men beliefts, the bible is the story of every man's life. The gospel of Jesus is how that life ought to be lived with our sisters and brother we meet as we travele this earth.
Craig Moriarty ‎@ Ida, do you believe that Jesus transcended physical death and manifest after doing so? or do you have any knowledge of this?Ida Rose: Mary, we are born spirit,and spirit never die.In the physical you cannot see spirit, however, we feel spirit. When you sleep and your body rest your spirit is release,your dreams are actual experiences of your spirit world. Many times you m...eet your love ones who have passed on when you sleep, because that spirit communes with you then.Tommorow, I shall be seventy one years young. when my dad died, his spirit communed with me always.

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