Friday, June 17, 2011

Karma & Grace - Means to End Suffering

The Means to End Suffering -

Karma is not "fate". Fate is something out of our control - our "preordained decree of providence." Karma literally means "action". Our own actions are the causes of whatever we experience - "cause and effect."
Everything we encounter in life is the result of our own actions. Consequently we can become mas...ter of our fate by becoming master of our own actions. Each of us is responsible for the actions that give rise to our suffering. Each of us has the means to end the suffering in our actions. The Buddha said:
You are your own master,
You make your own future.
There are three types of actions - physical, vocal & mental. According to Buddha's "Dharma" - the law of nature, the mental is the most important. Both physical and vocal assume totally different significance according to the intention with which it is done.
Physical action could be as opposite as a surgeon cutting with great compassion to a murderer cutting out of hatred. Vocal action could be as opposite as verbal abuse done out of hatred to words used to express love. It is the intention of our actions that determine the result.
It is the mental intentions of our actions which is the real karma, the cause which will give results in future. Understanding this truth the Buddha announced,
Mind precedes all phenomena,
mind matters most, everything is mind-made.
If with an impure mind
you speak or act,
then suffering follows you
as the cartwheel follows the foot of the draft animal.

Ron Alexander: How does Grace work in relation to Karma (cause & effect)?
Angela PeaceMaker Diggs: Grace in my understanding is Divine influence and favor. Grace covers All. ♥
Ron Alexander: So Grace can overrule Karma - correct?19 hours ago · Ra Divakar: It is my understanding that in Christianity, no matter what we do - if one is "saved", then the Lord will bless one with Grace, and all past mistakes are forgiven. Is this correct?
Sd Penny: God's: Grace has us all covered!Ron Alexander Feels good, doesn't it, Sd, thank you!
Sd Penny: Amen, Brother! ♥
Ra Divakar: I put this on Unity's comment: In exploring Buddhism - the goal of ending suffering by developing a pure mind vs. Christianity's idea of Grace appears to mean that Christians can put off developing the pure mind. Karma (cause and effect) appears to mean that Buddhists may be more careful for their present actions? What do you think?"
Ra Divakar: Unity Walker RA--My experience tells me the teachings both have aim of pure mind AND the ONEness AND Grace. Grace may be a variable, though I'm not convinced of that. Grace is the gifts we are given that we have not earned--because God's gifts are never earned, but simply given. This includes the gift of spiritual understanding and wisdom AND the power to focus on pure thoughts.
Sd Penny: Yes!
Angela PeaceMaker Diggs: I agree 100 percent...Love sent...♥
Ra Divakar: Ah, Grace means we don't have fight, process, work for the Gifts of God! Sounds good to me, thanks Unity! Is there a similar concept in Eastern Religions? I know Oneness is a Universal Truth with all religions I know. Is it possible with the realization of Oneness with God, that Grace is innately understood?
Angela PeaceMaker Diggs: I believe so Ra Divakar...Love sent ♥
Ron Alexander: I think you have it, Ra! However, "Never lose a holy curiosity."Albert Einstein
Ra Divakar: And that is why God is called "The Great Mystery" by some Native Indians, right?