Thursday, June 16, 2011

Getting Well - Yes!

Robyn Summers-Shelley:
good morning Ron...........stay well............xoxoxo
Robyn pulled the 'Gratitude' card for Ron Alexander using Divine Guidance Oracle Cards!
Gratitude - Divine Guidance Oracle Cards
Gratitude is a very powerful energy which can open both the heart and mind to all the wondrous blessings we are given. Take time each and every day to offer your deepest, heartfelt gratitude for all that you have and are given. Make a conscious effort to... look for all the good that is flowing into your life. Send your love to all those you cherish and love. Your acknowledgement of the Divine flow, that supports and provides for you, opens your energy in a powerful way. You will become your own bright Light, even in the darkest of times.
Divine Guidance Oracle Cards

Ron Alexander: Dear Robyn, perfect card again for me. I am so grateful to you and friends who prayed/visualized with me for clear blood vessels! The stress test was negative for occluded arteries. Yeah! Clearly flowing vessels are a sign of good overall health, though some symptoms remain, that was the best news! Everything else will heal quickly and soon to be in perfect health again. Oneness in Love, ron .
Eva Tzouma:
Good morning angel Ron! You deserve all the love of the universe and you have it!!!! Stay away from any illusion prevents your personal path to the light! I'm glad your health tests were positive and your are well. My love to you and Jeanne, she is such a wonderful woman supporting you in this challenge you are going through. :) .
Ron Alexander: You are so right dear Eva, "To thine own self be kind." (on my dieticians wall yesterday)
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Had busiest most accomplished day I have had in a long time. With great healing Goddesses - Jeanne (with me all day), Erika Kennard (an audioligist), Janet Teel (a dietician), friends Deborah Batts, Jackie Boyce, & Brenda a new friend). The last 4 of us were at the awesome Isle of Light for sunset and full moon rise. So good to be out there, thanks Jackie - great Prayer of Light (we took turns in middle of circle). Great Healing - feels so good to feel healthy again.

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