Friday, May 13, 2011

Need do Nothing starring Winnie the Pooh

Need Do Nothing starring Winnie the Pooh

Tao does not do, but nothing is not done. Tao Te Ching
Need do nothing. ACIM
Do without doing. Wei Wu Wei

Those who do things the Pooh Way find these things happening to them all the time. It's hard to explain, except by example, but it works. Things just happen in the right way at the right time. At least they do when you let them, when you work with circumstances instead of saying, "This isn't supposed to be happening this way", and trying hard to make them happen some other way. If you are in tune with The Way Things Work, then they work they way they need to, no matter what you may think at the time. Later on, you can look back and say, now I understand. That has to happen in order for this to happen..."Then you realize that even if you'd tried to make it turn out all perfectly, you couldn't have done better, and if you had really tried, you would have made a mess of the whole thing."
THE TAO OF POOH by Benjamin Hoff
Need Do Nothing starring Winnie the Pooh

Tao does not do, but nothing is not done. Tao Te Ching
Need do nothing. ACIM
Do without doing. Wei Wu Wei

Those who do things the Pooh Way find these things happening to them all the time. It's hard to explain, except by example, but it works. Things just happen in the right way at the right time. At least they do when you let them, when you work with circumstances instead of saying, "This isn't supposed to be happening this way", and trying hard to make them happen some other way. If you are in tune with The Way Things Work, then they work they way they need to, no matter what you may think at the time. Later on, you can look back and say, now I understand. That has to happen in order for this to happen..."Then you realize that even if you'd tried to make it turn out all perfectly, you couldn't have done better, and if you had really tried, you would have made a mess of the whole thing."
THE TAO OF POOH by Benjamin Hoff

Ron Alexander: ‎" We never do anything well till we cease to think about the manner of doing it " William Hazlitt (from Travis Duke)
Ron Alexander: Most of our mental activity is not real thought anyway - mental masturbation! Thought is creative!
LoadiRa Divakar Travis Duke: So true Ron !! This running not really who we are..we just think it is...
Ron Alexander a human doing vs. a HUMAN BEING!

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