Sunday, May 8, 2011

Get on Board with Source

Art of Vladimir Kushhaven (Image)

Twelve Insight Journal

Q: How do I make (conscious creating) work better, smoother, see quicker results in physical time space?

Begin by relaxing. It is that little core of resistance that you have, that knot—contraction—in the center of your chest, just below the heart chakra, that is the core of your resistance.

Next, recognize that you have it all, so that you see there is no journey. You don’t have to go anywhere or do anything to have what you want to have. It is already present, and it is already present within your field of experience or you could not conceive it.

You see, by presuming that you have to go somewhere else to have what you want, you commit yourself to a search, a journey of sorts, in order to get there. And if instead you will see yourself already at your destination, already arrived, then things will rearrange themselves around you—the Universe will make it right. So quit trying to go somewhere else, because you’re already there.

And we know that when you gaze out into your physical world you don’t physically see those things you want right away, but the more time you spend with them in the imaginal realm where you already have them, the more your vibration will begin to match, and when you are a vibrational match, the Universe must deliver: It cannot be any other way.

So give up your journey—your personal journey—and get on the boat with Source and let Source take you there instead. Completely relax, including that core of contraction at your center. You shouldn’t really have any questions. Questions are an indicator that you still think there’s something you must do. And really, there’s not.

There are things you will do; things that are enjoyable, inspired, creative, fun, lighthearted. Source’s journey to become you and your world of choice is lighthearted and easy and fun. If you are grinding or suffering or struggling then you’re on the wrong boat.

Relax and breathe easy. That is the way. For absolute results, trust Source absolutely.


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