Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The End of Suffering -

"Suffering is a wonderful gradually erodes the manmade description of self...and then you can find the "kingdom of heaven within as Jesus says"...also Buddha teaches the end of suffering.,.to self-inflicted suffering - your thoughts - your interpretation of what is ..."

Subodh Kumar Misra:In the different stages of its meaning, the will is bondage and the will is liberation. It is the binding will that we are asked to renounce. The binding will is the first self-affirmative urge within us which insists on the independence of the individual and an isolation of personality, cut-off from relationship with others.......Aum Shanti! Individual will is unable to comprehend the Truth owing to ignorance. This ignorance is the source of bondage. It is nothing but the inability of the individual will to understand that its affirmations are not the Truth. This Truth is inaccessible to the instruments that are available to the individual will and, therefore, the individual will is always sunk in sorrow, grief.The reason why individual will binds is because it has disassociated itself from the Real, which is same as Truth. ...........Aum! The irreconcilability between individual affirmations and the pattern of Divine Will is something which the individual will in its present condition cannot properly understand; because the realm of the Divine, the Universal, lies outside the ken of the vision of the individual, and due to this reason there has arisen the chance of commission of an error on the part of individual; by which it mistakes its own affirmations for the total Reality.............Aum!
Ra Divakar: What does Wisdom say about "Free Will"? thanks, ra
Unity Walker: My freedom of will consists in being able to choose between the will of sense-realm mortal mind personality OR to be centered in the Universal Will of the ONE. All bondage lies in the first. In the second is liberation from all bondage. Thank you, Brother Subodh. AUM SHANTI!

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