Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Deeksha (Peace, Love, Healing Blessings) to Japan

Oneness Blessings to Japan so important at this time!
Please give deeksha on Fukushima no.1 power plant (Bhagavan's comment on Japan's earthquake)
By Ra Divakar (thanks again Ra - are you a Oneness Trainer?)
Ra Divakar No, not a trainer, however I am a Oneness Blessing Giver!
If planetary peace seems beyond our reach, recall: Miracles are natural when we rely on the Source of All to carry our burdens with us. Then, even peace is possible.Nan Merrill with Barbara Taylor
Peace Planet: Light for Our World
I am Peace I am Joy I am Love
surrounded by Peace surrounded by Joy surrounded by Love
secure in Peace. lifted by Joy embraced by Love
Peace protects me Joy nourishes me Love is Me
Peace supports me Joy radiates from me Love overflows
...Peace is in me Joy is in me. Love is Me
Peace is mine-- Joy is mine. Love is Mine
All is well. Joy is now & expected Love is Ours
Peace to all beings Joy to all beings Love is All
Peace among all beings Joy among all beings Love among Us
Peace from all beings Joy from all beings Love Everyone
I am steeped in Peace I am steeped in Joy. Love is Everywhere
Absorbed in Peace Absorbed in Joy Swimming, walking in Love
In the streets, at our work, In the streets, at our work, in Nature,
having peaceful thoughts, having joyful thoughts, Loving thoughts
Peaceful words, peaceful acts. Joyful words, joyful acts. Loving Words, Acts
A Buddhist Meditation by Ra Divakar
By Ra Divakar

I am Peace
surrounded by Peace
secure in Peace.
Peace protects me
Peace supports me
...Peace is in me
Peace is mine--
All is well.
Peace to all beings
Peace among all beings
Peace from all beings
I am steeped in Peace
Absorbed in Peace
In the streets, at our work,
having peaceful thoughts,
Peaceful words, peaceful acts.
A Buddhist Meditation

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