Monday, January 10, 2011

Releasing Anxiety into the Great Heart of Love

Most men (people) lead lifes of quiet desperation. Thoreau
"I Accept the Divine Gift
I now let go of every anxious thought. I now surrender and doubt or fear into the Great Heart of Love. I look out upon the world and say that it is my world because
it is God's world. I think of all people as my friends because they live and have their being in the Father of us all. I now receive confidence and inspiration from the Source of all life. I believe that Love is guiding me. I believe there is a Divine Power that goes before me and makes perfect my way in joy and happiness. I believe this Power is flowing through me , to the joy and happiness of those around me."
Ernest Holmes from his A Year of Daily Wisdom

on, forgive me when I ask this. You said: "I think of all people as my friends because they live and have their being in the Father of us all."

I assumed you spoke of the whole entire planet of us all.

Does that include Psychopathic murderer's and criminals?·

Ron Alexander Adrian, that is a hard one, but as Mother Teresa says "We are all a part of each other...". It is so difficult to see that, but "for the Grace of God goes I..."
Ron Alexander: the Ho'Oponopono prayer is a Oneness prayer of Forgiveness - "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." Because somehow, that "psychopathic murderer" is part of our collective consciousness.
Ron Alexander: Everyone is innocent & loving the best they can, and an attack like that of a murderer is somehow a call for loving help. So hard to see..
Nancy Odle: So true...every act is one of love or a call to love...

Unity- Koontz: NICE... and that amazing heart of love has its arms around the "anxiety""doubt" and "fear" just where it has needed to be to transform.. HUGGING all those feelings they have been waiting a very long time to finally be loved also.. Way to goooooo....
Ron Alexander: A sensitive friend posted me a logical disagreement to my private messages and I answered her (she helped me clarify my thinking on this difficult matter) -"I agree it is not an 'act of love', but a call for loving help. This poor misguided... soul thought he would be an hero to certain group that he looked up to. And you probably know who that 'group' happens to be. Almost impossible to see, however all of us has an "inner murderer/terrorist", we just have to be aware of it, observe and not act on it and it too shall pass.Look I am not completely clear on this situation, so please be blunt with your thinking. Let's dialogue, not "diss" & "cuss" each other.
Ron Alexander: ‎"One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. -Ephesians 4:6 - the only verse with a Southern phrase: YOU ALL!
Brian Tate: This wonderful message brought a tear to my eye and welling up in my heart. How beautifully glorious it is to share beingness with all of you, ever growing joyfully closer to the Great Heart of Love... that loves and sustains us through every moment, that is also our real heart and Home.

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