Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Can Do All That Christ Did and More....

Decree: I AM THAT. I AM A DIVINE BEING. I CAN do all that CHRIST did and more.
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. ---Matthew 28-18

Bunni Vaughan Healy: can feel the ruffling of some Christian feathers. (Trying to learn not to enjoy it. One of my hardest lessons.)
Ron Alexander: Tell me about the "ruffling" tonight - it will be great to be in that Vegan class together. Haven't sensed the "ruffling" - those words are taken from the Bible with a little mystical spin..
Ron Alexander: ‎"The Spirit itself beareth witness with out spirit, that we are
children of God."
Romans 8:16

Jeanne - Create Heaven on Earth...in our/your home on Earth...Be Happy...Love one another

The man or woman of your dreams, nuturing friendships, soothing acquaitances will come into your life not to complete you... But once you've found You are already Whole ~♥~
Anything else begs us to look within to see what needs healing in us. ~~~~~

Jeanne Porter Ashley: ‎"Greater works than these shall ye do." John 14:12
Derek Stone: Thanks for sharing Ron so true. We all first have to feel this in our Hearts and believe it in our minds and then we can manifest what ever we desire.

Ron Alexander: I am so grateful for your, as usual, brilliant response, Derek, "first have to feel this in our hearts and believe it in our minds and then we can manifest whatever we desire!" YES!

Bobby Hinkle: The kingdom of God is within, and spread out over all the earth, but few see it; for most people cannot overcome the visual limitations of time and space, and so they subject themselves to preachers of like mind, pronouncing a “coming” kingdom of God."Jeff Belyea That "Coming Soon" sign sure has a lot of cobwebs.

Dean A. Banks: We are immersed in it; we only need to recognize it and maintain it by loving one another.
Andy Skadberg: If one contemplates how even the molecules hold together, and the incredible majesty at that scale, it only expands when you consider all of life and experience. It becomes mind boggling. The masterpiece is all around and throughout us. But I do believe we need to extend our love to the Earth herself. Reverence for Life.

‎"I look forward to the moment when all see themselves as the exquisite miracle of creation they are, and rejoice in their uniqueness and ONENESS. I cannot be satisfied with living in a world where so many believe themselves to be less worthy or unequal or not perfect, when I know that we are all equal, worthy of gods LOVE, and totally whole and perfect from the moment of creation."~Bent Kim Lundberg

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