Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Be the Love You Want

Bring in the One you love, and love the One you are with - Oneness Blessings at 6:30 Wed. at Unity. Namaste', ron

Ron Alexander: Be the Love you want!
‎"LOVE is not something you do, but something you are. When LOVE is treated in your mind, you try to figure out how to implement it to yield the best results. When LOVE is felt in your heart it flows FREELY from you and raises the vibrations of all it touches, and your LOVE will find those craving compassion, comfort, hope, LIGHT and LOVE. LOVE yourself, and your LOVE will heal the world
."~Bent Kim Lundberg

"All prayers are valid. God/source is LOVE and ONE with you, and listens to every single thought of yours without any demand for specific ways of praying, and god answers your every wish with a yes and constantly manifests the miracles of LIFE for you. There is no right or wrong way to pray to god, and god does not deny you anything that you believe you deserve. This is how LOVE works"~Bent Kim Lundberg

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