Sunday, January 16, 2011

All Minds are Joined

According to "A Course in Miracles," all minds are joined. While it appears to the physical eye that I am here and you are over there, on the level of mind there is no place where you stop and I start. We are all affected by everyone else's thoughts, just as a butterfly flapping its wings near the South Pole affects the wind currents at the North Pole. When any wave moves, the entire ocean shifts.

So it's basically irrelevant whether Jared Loughner specifically related to the hate speech around him in some linear, causal way. Thoughts can go viral, as we have seen throughout history when group pathologies overcame the better angels of a people (Hitler's Germany was an example). And as it is written in The Course, "all thought creates form on some level." If enough hate-thought and hate-speech is present, it's almost inevitable that some hate-filled manifestation will emerge somewhere within that field of consciousness. Jared Loughner was swimming in the thought-forms and images of hate, as almost all of us are these days. And to an obviously deranged mind, violent thought forms are like gasoline to an already smoldering fire.

I heard a not-yet-declared 2012 Presidential candidate on television, refusing to condemn the use of gun imagery in political dialogue. "After all," he said, "we have free speech." Darn right, Sir. And something else we should have is a dose of healthy shame. Maybe it shouldn't be illegal to talk about one's political opponents as though they're enemy combatants. But it should be unthinkable.

Hopefully after the events in Tucson, things will quiet down and our political dialogue will become more civilized and respectful. One can only hope. We had two days of a sober, silent and tender collective heartbeat, and even in its sadness it was inspiring. The Tucson memorial had some stunning moments. As it was after 9/11, Americans got quiet for a moment of group sanity....we felt the authenticity of our humanness...we actually remembered we were a nation. But it didn't last then, and we will see whether it lasts now.

In Alcoholics Anonymous, it is often said that "every problem comes bearing its own solution." Tragedy takes us to the very state of consciousness which, were we to hold to it, would go far toward preventing further tragedies. Whether pundits, politicians and media personalities choose to use this tragedy to grow spiritually, to increase their compassion, to commit more deeply to love, is under no one's control but their own. But each of us can decide for ourselves what we will personally do with this latest national tragedy. We can remember that just as hate thought and hate speech do indeed affect the entire world, so do loving thought and loving speech. The only thing greater than a forcefield of hate is a forcefield of love. And each and every one of us -- with the thoughts we think, the words we use and the things we do -- contribute, or fail to contribute, to the field of consciousness that will save us all.
Marianne Williamson

Bobby Hinkle:
A Course in Miracles' likens us to 'sunbeams' thinking we're separate from the sun, or waves thinking we're separate from the ocean. Just as a sunbeam can't separate from the sun, and a wave can't separate from the ocean, we can't separate from one another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.—From A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
Lauren McGlynn: Fear is the absence of God, Goddess (they forgot to mention that female aspect, eh?). Cathars.... A direct quote from that fearless course in the obsecles, but it never works when one leaves out the feminine.
Deb Wilson: I see God as "Life"...or "Love"....there is no separation...this is WHO we are....but then I guess I don't see the wave as separate from the ocean, but part of it...same substance....and sunbeams are as the sun....we are all one in the ONE. But, guess I could be missing something too! ♥ ♥Deb Wilson: ACIM was something a looked into for quite halped me along the way, but it seems to me that it is still very much into duality...what do you think??? ♥
Bobby Hinkle: I haven't read ACIM actually. This is a quote from "A Return to Love." I've heard a lot of pros and cons about ACIM. I suppose I should check it out.Ron Alexander: ACIM is 80% excellent with alot of beautiful word images/ideas like above, however there is duality,Deb. The Bible does a lot better with the body - "The Temple of the Spirit..." and there is no mention of "ego" in the Bible. ACIM has a lot of psychological ideas like the ego, since the channeler was Helen, a psychologist and her boss was the scribe. Dr. William Thetford, the head of the psychology dept. at Columbia U. He asked Helen "why can't we all get along?". Helen started channeling ACIM which she did not welcome, but Dr. Thetford insisted on recording her "dream/visions/words".
I studied with him in CA. while working with Dr. Jampolsky at the Center for Attitudinal Healing. He was a realized simple man who knew we were all innocent loving the best we can and each "attack" is a call for loving help, which I think is the Essence of ACIM teaching. Dr. Thetford, with gentle humor, told us to tear out all those pages attacking the body, our worldly existence, and the ego.

Patricia Arnold ‎@Ron Alexander: That's fascinating! What a wonderful opportunity you had, studying with Dr. Thetford.
I haven't read ACIM completely, either; but "Disappearance of the Universe" helped me understand the concepts much better. Like the Bible..., it can be difficult to grasp it in iambic pentameter.
Through "Disappearance," I got the impression that ACIM would agree with the "temple of the Spirit" scripture. Our challenge is awaking to that Truth.
You've made me wonder: If ego is not the source of our erroneous belief in duality and separation from God, what is? Did Dr. Thetford have an explanation?

Ron Alexander; Hi Patricia, nice to read a civil response, thank you. Some ACIM' ers get so involved that they think the whole text is sacred, and become like Bible or Koran fundamentalists. Therefore,they get upset with any criticism'
I also enjoy the ACIM... Oneness (we all share the same mind) verses. However, the demonization of the ego started with Helen's words as far as I know. Freud invented the word ego as the CONSCIOUS bridge between the id (instinctual) & superego (Higher Consciousness). While, being egotistical or being an egoist is the ego out of balance, an healthy ego is important as long as we are in our body. Gary Zukav calls the ego our earth guide. I think Helen saw the ego as our "self"(or as our "pridefu"l self) and I agree with St. Francis, that is "in dying to the self, that we are born to eternal life." However, we have to be willing to die physically also. We have to be willing to leave the earth, which is also what I think is a weakness of Helen's teaching - that there is a place beyond the earth better than here, that Heaven cannot be on Earth, that Reality cannot be part of reality. Interestingly, I was in grad school studying Somatic Psychotherapy at the same time when with Dr.Thetford. He was beyond analytic discussions. He sat outside the study circle, smiling alot looking like he was in Bliss. He was ready to leave, and left his body on July 4th 1986 or 87, a few months after I started studying with him. He said right before he died, that he had never felt so free. Me, I prefer the Biblical verses that say we can Heaven on Earth right now!

Deb Wilson: Ron...I believe you are accurate about all of experience with ACIM and the people who live by it are just as you said. It's as if 'they' started another 'religion'...more rules, more dogma with all fo the do's and don't's...shoul...d and shouldn't' all "belief systems" who truly think that theirs is the best! :-) ♥ ♥ Did it help me? Yes...just as many other systems and people along the way. :-) I suppose they ALL have their purpose, but for me, it's best not to get too attached to any of them....we already have and are all that we need to be and know. ♥ ♥ I rest in that.....LOL, well...until I forget and need a good reminder!!! ;-)
Thanks Deb - Fundamentalists take the fun out of da mental - no matter the beliefs.
Dr. Jerry Jampolsky adapted ACIM writings into his principles for his Center for Attitudinal Healing. I was blessed to work with life-threatened kids there for a few years and I consider these principles
the Essence of ACIM. I am also grateful that there is no ego, body or earthly existence bashing here. Forgiveness is emphasized so I can see you would be an effective teacher of forgiveness, Eric. Thanks.
The essence of our being is love.
Health is inner peace. Healing is letting go of fear.
Giving and receiving are the same.
We can let go of the past and the future.
Now is the only time there is and each instant is for giving.
We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than judging.
We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.
We are students and teachers to each other.
We can focus on the whole of life rather than the fragments.
Since love is eternal death need not be viewed as fearful.
We can always perceive ourselves and others as either extending love
or giving a call for help.strong>

In the Lord's Prayer "thy will be done" is a command to the ego that God's will supercedes ours. It is a prayer that recognizes the power of the ego over self-survival, ultimately changing our focus to the will of God. What is God's will? The natural order of the omniverse; love of God and love of all life. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Thanks so much, Dean - this helps us understand what Freud was meaning when he created this system of ego, id & superego. The ego is the conscious bridge between the id ("self - survival" - unconscious) & the superego our Higher Consciousness (God). The ego directs the id while under guidance from the superego.

Anne Williams: Jen--just because there exists a different definition of ego and a different meaning from your subjective definition and meaning does not mean some people have thick skins or thick heads. We are defining and exploring the meaning of the eg...o--that guiding force between sheer survival mode and living in a society together in harmony--the ego, the person that is in charge of DOING this. The ego is our life as guided by the superego. No need to renounce your personal identity ego--
I sense you are equating the word ego with arrogant, over-inflated distorted image of the self.
♥See More
Ron Alexander: Thanks Anne, great answer - A friend asked me if it was not the ego's fault whose is it? Well, in the Bible the bad guy is the devil or satan, could it be the ego out of balance which define the egotist or egoist, pride, or just the human part of us. Jung called it our "shadow" - every light casts a shadow. And Jung tells us to embrace that part of ourselves. One thing for sure, the ego has become the new age satan. Do we have to have a new "devil"? which is for sure dualistic! Gary Zukav has a great meaning of the ego - our "earth guide." Peace!

Eric Scheinder: The ego at fault, Ron? What if there is no 'fault' for anyone or anything to be '"at?" Beyond blame and fault we can find a way of taking responsibility (not blame, guilt, or even credit) and be CAUSE in the matter of our experience of life.... Also, Ron, re the pages you suggest be "torn out," of the workbook, because they turn off about, "I now forgive myself for ever thinking I had a better idea than The Author how the Course should teach us enlightenment." Last, I'm happy you worked with Jerry Jampolski. He's such a benevolent presence in the world - thru his writings, and more. He kindly co-sponsored a call-in radio show I had in Santa Fe 18 years ago - "Learning to Forgive," where people actually called in and worked through forgiveness issues with me on the air. I used to start the show by reading from the Course. Then I'd say, "If nobody calls in, I'm going to keep reading." The phone would always ring!
Ron Alexander: Eric, please forgive me, I am sorry you apparently thought I wrote 'the ego is at fault" & "that I could write a better book on enlightenment". Thank you for I know you will. I love you!
Ron Alexander: Eric, thank you for stating "Beyond blame and fault we can find a way of taking responsibility (not blame, guilt, or even credit) and be CAUSE in the matter of our experience of life...." That is the idea I was trying to convey!

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