Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mindfulness, Equanimity, & Grace All the Same?

Mindfulness = Equanimity = Grace to me. When I meditate alot, I get into mindfulness which means I am in the moment and achieving things effortlessly, creatively with peacefulness and a sense of accomplishment. Isn't that the same qualities as Equanimity & Gracefulness?

Robyn Summers-Shelley: nothing of real worth can be bought... love.. friendship.. honour.. valour.. respect.. all these things have to be earned.............
Ron Alexander: Thank God for Loving Grace - no need for buying or "earning" - just Accepting! In all due respect, Robyn, how do you define "Grace"? It is a tricky hard to understand Concept. Thank you, dear One, I appreciate you.
Robyn Summers-Shelley: not sure about that one either Ron??????........something that comes to mind ...there for the grace of god go i........."

Everyday Grace" or Brother Lawrence's "God's Presence Everywhere" or something like that. Brother L. wrote it a few hundred years ago. He was a "lower" Monk, who had to scrub floors, clean bathrooms, and he saw God in all of his activites and wrote this little book about it, that still shows up in bookstoresman."

‎Jeanne Porter Ashley: Everyday Grace is present within, without, permeates, all is. Thanks, Ron, thanks! In LOVE, Jeanne♥

Ron: Is Grace simply the gift of being completely present?

Bunni Vaughan Healy: I don't think it is. I have some control over being present or not. I can work on that and change how often and how deeply I can be in that state. I consider grace to be that illusive miracle energy that I can't make happen myself. It is a free gift. Unwarranted by anything I can see or cause.

Peggy Young Portmaybe Grace helps us BE present ... by expanding in love.
Ron Alexander: Thanks for your thoughtful answers HoniOniBunni & Peggy. What about this question- Is the feeling/energy of Grace simply the gift of being simply completely present. I know if I am in mindfulness after meditating, I am in equanimity and that "feels" like Grace to me.

Peggy Young Port ‎~ Personally, I think anytime we expand in Love, it's Grace (from Grace, in Grace, and creating Grace). --Irregardless of how we get there (expanded). And meditation is a good way to get there, right?
Ron Alexander: Thanks again Peggy, I do appreciate your wisdom. Indeed, meditation/prayer/affirmation (I do them all while sitting) is the best way I find to get to the "feeliing" of Love, which I also call equanimity, (peace, love & joy in balance) & bliss (a combo of peace, love & joy). I usually even give myself a nice foot massage after the hour of sitting. And then I am buzzing with Mindful Energy, which I am calling Grace for now?

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