Monday, November 22, 2010

The Best (Most Loving) Thanksgiving Ever

What am I most grateful for - that heaven is here and now & that we are all parts of each other! Happy Thanksgiving EveryOne! (Satchitananda - Truth - Consciousness - Bliss = Heaven) So how do we obtain this Heaven on Earth?
Upon further reflection & a wonderful vision last night, what I am most grateful for - the love in my life, the realization that we are here to love and be loved. May you have the most joyful loving Thanksgiving ever - even those in other countries where it is not celebrated - celebrate anyway! We are all One in Love, beloving, beloved, ron

Give Out Only Love & Then Only Love Will Come Back
‎"What you give out and what you have given out before will always come back to you; be it hate, love, anger, joy, hurting or healing, etc. What happens in your life or what not happens is based on this. Change your mindset; start now and give out only Love and then only Love will come back it is Divine Law. We are all ...Gods in the re-making and we can have anything we want we just need to relearn this." Love Everybody

Decree of the day:

Conquer the angry man by love.
Conquer the ill-natured man by goodness.
Conquer the miser with generosity.
Conquer the liar with truth.

...- The Dhammapada

Sunie SeventhHeart:
Universe Sharing.... when you love you... the Universe sings back to you.
Marianne Williamson: Suggestion for Thanksgiving Day: When you wake up in the morning, close your eyes and think about every person you know you're going to be spending the day with. Silently bless them, as well as any others you might be w...ith at Thanksgiving Dinner and so forth. Friends, family, difficult relatives, whatever....just send love, and pray to be a blessing on everyone you meet all day. (Report back!)
Ron Alexander: Somebody took Marianne's suggestion for me today. I woke up with a delightful friend< who is hosting a feast tonight, hugging me from behind. I felt pumped up with love. Great way to start Thanksgiving Day - the best (most Loving) ever.
"There is no salvation for the soul but to fall in Love.
Only lovers can escape out of these two worlds...
This was ordained in creation.
Only from the heart can you reach the sky:
The Rose of Glory can grow only from the heart."
For another post later: "Death is an illusion and you are
an eternal being. When you shift state to the invisible realm you
will observe that you are still here. You will meet all that has gone
before you and all that has stayed behind, as everyONE has a soul
representation, and all are going to eat at the table of god. There no other place to go. Drop that worry and live without fear. LIFE
is meant to be JOYFUL"~
Bent Kim Lundberg
"Love is letting go of fear. God did not give us a spirit of fear,but of power, love and a sound mind."
♥ Life.... a wonder and adventure indeed ~ ..Love Yourself ~
"A very powerful virus is spreading fast around the globe. The virus named 'B1' has been nick named 'The LOVE Bug', as it infects via smiles, eye contact and shared joyful feelings. Symptoms are a total obsession of LOVE, Gratitude, Kindness, Caring and like feelings, and there is no known cure. The virus is NOW becoming pandemic and will change the world as we know it. Be aware for the LOVE bug"~Bent Kim Lundberg

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