Monday, August 23, 2010

Seeking & Longing Appears Near End, thank Goodness

The Divine Beloved longs to play joyously
and rest peacefully within the heart of
the consecrated lover.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Great Swan by Lex Hixon

Noy Traba-g: In my NOW/noyNESS ... ocean of serenity ~
Ron Alexander: sometimes my "noiseyness" is the ocean of chaos, and that is alright too.
Noy Traba-g Wahoo! How can I not love you, Ron. You always 'rhyme with reasons'. True, true, true. Life is, indeed, a balance. Like you, I try to make things as balanced as possible. The only way to grasp its sometimes 'complexities' at its simple-most context. Taking things as they come and and enJOYing what's on offer for the day. G'day. Bless!

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