Tuesday, August 24, 2010

As Artists Seek to Imbibe the Essence of Beauty, I Drink in Love All Around Me

"This Love is a healing power touching everything into wholeness, healing the wounds of experience with its divine balm."
How to Keep the Faith!
I was asked a challenging question the other day, "how do you keep the faith"?
After baking it in the oven of my mind and heart for a couple of days, here is what I come up with - When there is a direct experience of Divine Love, "faith" is not even needed. So "keeping the faith" to me is to keep experiencing those Holy Presents. To be present to those Sacred Gifts.
How does one increase the Direct Divine Experiences, therefore keeping the faith?
"Praying without ceasing" is definitely a way to keep the faith. Meditating alot - I combine the two! Service - Seva is another way. Devotion to the Divine (Bhakti Yoga) is a prime spiritual path for keeping the faith. Giving and receiving the Oneness Blessing is giving and recieving the Sacred Healing Energy of Divine Love, so I participate in three groups and have several one on one sessions during the week.
"This Love is a healing power touching everything into wholeness, healing the wounds of experience with its divine balm."
Reading and writing inspirational writing is another way of keeping the faith. I am inspired by the "Daily Wisdom" of Ernest Holmes and today's Wisdom is especially affirmative:

"The law of the Lord is perfect," and the law of the Lord is love. You are made perfect in the law when you enter into conscious communion with Love. It is only through love that the law can fulfill itself in your experience, because love harmonizes everything, unifies everything. You can never make the most perfect use of the law of your life unless that use is motivated by love. You must imbibe its spirit. This love is more than a sentiment. It is a deep sense of the underlying unity, beauty, and majesty of all life, the goodness running through everything, the givingness of Life to everything.
Say: today I bestow the essence of Love upon everything. Everyone shall be lovely to me. My soul meets the soul of the universe in everyone. Everything is beautiful: everything is meaningful. This Love is a healing power touching everything into wholeness, healing the wounds of experience with its divine balm.
I know that this Love Essence is the very Substance of Life, the creative Principle back of everything, flowing through my whole being, spiritual, mental, and physical. It flows in transcendent loveliness into my world of thought and form, ever renewing, vitalizing, bringing joy, harmony and blessings to everything and everyone it touches.

Comment by Imelda Maguire: So very beautiful Ron. How very blessed you are... we are.
Thank you for sharing your beauty of life.
Reclaim your Spirit: I am usually gentle. How about you? Do you ever forget? .
Ron Alexander: I have had a habit of beating myself up - being my own worst critic since being abused as a ...small child. And that is why I teach it--teach what you want to learn. Reminding others reminds myself. Here is what I wrote the other day: "As Artists...(above)
Comment by Imelda Maguire (on Crone to the Bone): When I read the first line of your message, "This Love is a healing power touching everything into wholeness, healing the wounds of experience with its divine balm." a great wash of tears fl...owed endlessly like a giant tidal wave from the depths of my soul.
It could be this lovely full moon that shines so gloriously tonight, never the less, a universal combined effort surely drives the greatest empact to the phsyci.
As One... ~*LOVE ALWAYS*
Comment by Jeanne (founder of Crone to the Bone) Thank-you Ron for the beautiful words that calm my critical mind... balancing, balancing, continually balancing.
Speaking of the beautiful full Pisces moon... it is an interesting moon. The Pisces moon compels one toward considerations of the spirit and retreat, whereas the Virgo sun, wants everything in clean and orderly. So after cleaning house and organizing... I sat in my meditation area and retreated into the ocean of spirit.