Monday, August 2, 2010

Love Creates an expanded state of being.

"Sweet as honeycomb, healing to the bone & soothing to the soul" is how I describe the Oneness Blessing Group at the Yoga Room today! I feel like a million, & I am so grateful!
Donna Stead our generous host is pictured above (she came up as the Healing Energy there being like "honey"!) No wonder it was so sweet!

Ron Alexander: Her Mother Dot was so cute last night at the "Back in the Saddle" party in her pink cowgirl outfit! Like Mother, like Daughter!
Paulette Ball: ‎"Love creates an expanded state of being. Fear creates a contracted state of being."~ Drunvalo ~

Derek Stone: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE These beautiful words have stayed with me for many years from my hometown in Liverpool courtesy John Lennon.
Mai Dde D: oui, tout se dont nous avons besoin c'est l'Amour.
Ron Alexander "Love is all we came here for, do you know what I mean, have your eyes really seen?" Elton John
Myrna Shanti-Star: Fear also creates violence. Love is what every soul is looking for ♥

1 comment:

  1. Nice post...Thank you for sharing some good things!!
