Saturday, July 31, 2010

Napoleon Hill recalls the Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie

This man, Like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., JFK, Reagan ("Tear down this wall!") inspires about the Power of the Mind like bending spoons did for me directly last weekend! Like the changes going on with Oneness Blessing Givers and Receivers. Like "old" Vipassana Meditation students...
Kahu Kahealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda: profound fact and when a great crisis comes over the world there always comes out some unknown with a formula for dissolving that crisis, abe lincoln, george washington, frank roosevelt, sometimes wonder hands destiny reach out get humble give great job to do in life from inspiration....God given power of Thought!!! MALAMA MANA'O, MALAMA MANA....CREATIVE POWER OF THE UNIVERSE. Brooke Fleet: Thank you for this, it seems that God knows how to make lemonade out of lemons, and "he uses all things for good". Aloha Nui Loa~
Monday, Aug. 2
Regardless of the name a person uses for the Infinite Force that holds us together, it is the source of our miraculous, unpredictable creativity and our dignity.
Ashok Gangadean
"Towards a Culture of Peace," Elixir Magazine, Autumn 2007

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