Saturday, August 21, 2010

From Sacred Relationships - Creating a Sacred Community

Sacred Relationships Theonesoul Written by Julie Redfield (transcribed from the video "Sacred Relationships - Julie Redstone video by BetterWorld4YouandMe the onenesslovefoundation

Sacred Relationships are based on devotion - on seeing God within Creation and wanting to love and serve all life.

This desire to heal, to support, love and uphold others because they are part of God and carry a seed of divinity within is what lies at the root of a sacred relationship.

Such a desire comes from the heart, from a sensibility that perceives an invisible layer of truth behind the visible aspect of life. It does not come from knowing details about another nor from length of time with another.

It does not come from considering the other a personal friend, nor from their being a part of one's family. A sacred relationship comes from the recognition of another as a soul.

To have a sacred relationship is to be a friend of the soul of another being. It is to see the other as a soul, and to meet the other as a soul.

Most relationships in life are not established in this way. Most are based on personal preference, linking one personality with another. This is a limited way of seeing people, though an authentic one.

It is a way that corresponds to a level of consciousness which has not yet achieved a certain spiritual depth. Here, what is presented as reality, namely, the persona or external face of another is accepted as who they are.

When we view others in this way, we do not see who they are meant to be or who thehy will eventually become. We see them in terms of who they think they are or who they believe themselves to be.

This is the most common form of relating today, reflecting a level of development that will one day become something else. For it is not the most profound or truest way for us to know one another. It is not a friendship of the soul.

To experience a friendship of the soul, one must have the desire to do so. One must have a desire for a deeper and purer love (greater or Divine love in my words)that does not exist in the realm of need or at the surface of self, but rather in the realm of radiance and of blessing.

Love such as this seeks to give to others and to participate in God's love for Creation. It does not seek another's company in order to fill the holes within the self or the empty places within another.

Such a purity of love can only blossom in the absence of need when we experience the other as beloved. When this happens, a loving heart can form sacred friendships in its meeting with anyone and everyone.

Yet, how is it possible to be with others beyond need? This can only take place when two strive for wholeness within themselves are centered in God and seek wholeness within, rather than making it dependant upon someone else.

In a sacred relationship, the desire for healing, both for oneself and for others, is met in a different way. Here, it is God who is sought at times of need, replacing projection and distortion with the possibility for clearer sight (clarity in my words) and knowledge (wisdom in my words).

One of the primary foundations for a sacred friendship is the ability to accept the other (accepting yourself first is a primary principle in the Oneness Movement, so I say that is the only flaw in Julie Redstone's otherwise brilliant Sacred Relationship writing) as they are now, yet simultaneously to be able to see beyond this to who they might become.
-Micheal Milner of Florida Oneness, a trainer with the Oneness Movement has this to say about Self-acceptance:"When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are,experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance,and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering,the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth!"

If our need of another is great, we will not be able to see the other as they are now because our wishes for how they should be will get in the way. Our clarity will be limited by our needs and fears.

To have a sacred friendship is a matter of learning to draw from the well of our inner being in order to find nourishment and love.

In the end, embodying healing love defines the nature of a sacred friendship and the nature of a sacred human.

Such a nature seeks to radiate blessings to the world and to participate in the life of the planet - a life in which the consciousness of one is offered to another so that humanity can be changed one by one.

Out of this intention, life becomes transformed so that it is no longer a personal life that we live, but a universal life - one that seeks to give to all and to share love with all.

Such a life is wedded to the goal of happiness and healing for an entire planet.

As we strive to meet others in this way, we assist in the becoming of others so that each may recognize the deeper truth within.

It is to give wings and light to what may be heavy or covered over in another, so that the soul of the other can emerge into the light of day and, through love, can learn how to fly.

Blessed is this time of awakening to the nature of the spiritual universe. May all beings come to recognize their oneness as souls and open to the great beauty and intimacy of a reality in which all are connected, and no one is alone.

directed and produced by tghe onenesslovefoundation and Angelic Star Tribes
written by Julie Redstone -

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