Sunday, August 22, 2010

Accept & Love Yourself First

"The purpose of Human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around & to be loved"...Kurt Vonnegut

What is most important is to go deep into ourselves and discover the loving kindness and compassion of the Buddha within - the awakened nature we all possess. Shinjo Ito

RELATIONSHIPS by Sharon Taphorn "Angel Wisdom"

"To attract, heal, or balance relationships is to realize that the most important relationship you have is with yourself, every other relationship follows from there."
The relationships in our lives are vast and many. If you have an imbalance in your relationship with yourself, it is reflected in your relationships with others. Spend time getting to know and love yourself. What qualities do you love about yourself? What don't you love about yourself? Focus on your wonderful qualities and work on
loving the ones you don't, as well as the ones you would like to have.

Angel wisdom reminds you that you are truly a beautiful and special person. You are worthy of healthy, balanced relationships, and to trust in yourself to make wise and honourable decisions. Most often blocks we have in attracting or healing relationships are rooted in an emotional experience from childhood or within a past or existing relationship. Ask your inner child what relationships mean to you in general and/or a specific relationship so that you can better understand and heal. Then,in your mind and your heart, surround yourself, the situations, and the person(s) with calming pink light and ask the angels to help you. Be open to the gifts within each situation and allow yourself to feel thelove and peace.

Affirm often:"I am love, I am loved."

Excellent post Sharon, Mother Teresa reminded us "We are created to love and be loved." And that has to start with ourselves! Love and accepting ourselves unconditionally is a prequisite to loving others wholly (Holy).

‎"When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are,experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance,and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering,the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth!" -MM
(Micheal Milner of Florida Oneness, a trainer with the Oneness Movement)
The Oneness Movement is different from the Sacred Relationship work in that we are taught to accept ourselves first.
Julie Redstone from the video Sacred Relationships:
"One of the primary foundations for a sacred friendship is the ability to accept the other as they are now, yet simultaneously to be able to see beyond this to who they might become."

Swami Bhagavan (Oneness Movement Co-founder along with his wife Amma) says "We must love ourselves first before we can love others."

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